Peppermint is one of my favorite flavors! I have fond memories of indulging in York peppermint patties, Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies, and those Christmas peppermint nougat candies … and, errr, not being able to stop myself from eating more and more and more.
Obviously those aren’t the most healthy food options out there …
BUT, what if you could combine this wonderful peppermint flavor with healthy eating?!!
Introducing: The Magnificent Peppermint Smoothie!
Last week I wrote about all the amazing benefits of the superfood kale. (Click here to read.) In this article I detail how the nutrients in kale will work for your body to fight against things like cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and eye-sight failure, and a myriad of other health conditions. Today, I want to show you one of the many ways that my family has chosen to incorporate this awesome vegetable into our lives. Let me share with you our peppermint smoothie!
- 1 cup coconut milk (I like full-fat coconut milk because it gives a thickness that resembles ice cream! Mmmm)
- 1 Tbsp honey (or more to reach desired sweetness)
- 1-2 handfuls of kale
- 30 peppermint leaves or 1-2 drops of Peppermint essential oil
- Dark chocolate (or carob), chopped or shaved into small pieces
- A dash or two of salt
- about 10 ice cubes
I love using the Nutri Ninja individual cup for quick and easy blending and cleanup! (Get yours here.) You could always use a regular blender as well, but you may want to double the peppermint smoothie recipe to fill the blender a bit higher.
- Toss all of your ingredients, except the ice, into the cup and blend for about 10-12 seconds. This should be enough to incorporate all the ingredients together.
- Add in the ice cubes and blend again. This addition will make the shake nice and thick and ice-creamy! (You don’t want to add the ice cubes right away, because it can cause the honey to solidify into one big glob, and not distribute the sweetness evenly)
- Stir in chocolate pieces or sprinkle on top.
- Enjoy this delicious smoothie while delighting in the fact that you’re feeding your body such nutritious food!
**Anne Warren is a wife & mother who loves blogging about healthy food (inside & out)! She has had her own health struggles throughout the years, yet she is thankful that it has brought her to a place of better health. He health struggles have helped her gain an understanding that the things she puts into her body – both physically and spiritually – will indeed have a huge effect on her overall energy and wellbeing. She shares with you here today because encouraging others is a great passion!
If you are interested in getting more of her recipes, please check out her blog at