I have to say one thing…I LOVE magnesium oil!!
Why I use magnesium oil
I started using homemade magnesium oil ever since I read this post from Cheeseslave blog. It has helped my body tremendously! I used to have constantly tight shoulder traps and a stiff neck from the stress of being sick. When I say sick, I mean catching colds all the time due to my weak immune system. I am sure that magnesium oil has contributed to helping my body heal.
Also I never get headache anymore! Once every few months I would get a bad migraine and all I could do was cry and lay in a dark room. Ever since I started using magnesium oil, I have not had one single migraine! Not only that, but I was also prone to headaches throughout the day. But now I actually can’t remember the last time I have had one! My life is SO much better without headaches!
Not only does my body benefit from it, but my mind does as well. I always have so much on my mind and sometimes it can get annoying because thoughts keep racing around. After a few months of supplementing with magnesium oil, I could tell a difference in my mental clarity and peace.
How I use homemade magnesium oil
I used to supplement only with Mega-Mag Liquid. I am sure it helped my body somewhat, but the oil really gave my body that boost it needed. Your body absorbs so much more magnesium through your skin. I highly recommend this book. My gut is still healing and I think I still have ways to go. One component of the healing process is my religious use of magnesium oil. I use it morning, afternoon and night.
I crave magnesium!!
My body almost seems to crave the magnesium oil, which is sort of weird, but the human body is very smart :). If I go too long without spraying it on my body, I start to feel a little anxious and my muscles get tense. When my muscles get tense, my neck seems to come out of adjustment easier too. So magnesium oil sometimes saves me an extra trip to the chiropractor!
What’s that sting?
Just as a warning, the magnesium oil also seems to sting in sensitive spots of the body. Personally I cannot put it on my legs, creases of my arms, face, or fingers. But my sisters and mom have totally different sensitive spots. I just don’t put the oil on those spots. If some spot on my body does start to sting a little, all I have to do is wipe it with a damp cloth and I am all good! When I say sting, it is not that bad. I am referring to a more irritating sting, rather than a hurt sting. If you are worried, start with the bottom of your feet, hand palms, and your stomach.
Better than supplements
I don’t handle foods rich in magnum like nuts, grains and beans. Since I don’t eat these foods, I have a feeling I am extra deficient in magnesium. Your skin absorbs magnesium much better than if you were to take it by supplement. I am also a big fan of epsom salt baths, because it is literally a big bath full of magnesium!
It’s cheap!
You are also saving a lot of money when you make homemade magnesium oil, and it is just as good as the store bought kind which is $23! If you make it at home you only spend around $1 -$2 for 8 oz, depending on the amount of flakes you order. That is just crazy!
So now I will quit blabbering about how much I love this stuff and teach you how I make it! I got this idea from this post. Thanks Cheeseslave.
2 Blue Glass 4oz spray bottle or glass jar
1 cup of Ancient Minerals Magnesium Bath Flakes (next time I need to buy the 6.5 lb flakes!)
1 cup of filtered water (I use my berkey water)
* I always multiply this recipe by four so we have enough to last us a few months.
1. Measure out 1 cup of filtered water (I used a ball jar as my measuring cup!).
2. Pour 1 cup of water into your stainless steel pot.
3. Measure out 1 cup of magnesium flakes.
4. Pour your 1 cup of magnesium flakes into the water in the pot.
5. Put the pot on the stove and turn the heat onto low/medium. Heat just until the flakes dissolve all the way. Stir in-between.
**note: You don’t need to heat the flakes and water. On several occasions I just let the flakes sit in the water until they dissolve. It takes a bit longer but works just as well.
6. Remove from heat and let the magnesium water cool down to room temperature. Takes about 30 min.
7. Pour the magnesium water into a glass jar or the glass bottles with the help of a funnel.
* What you are really making is “magnesium water”, but the flakes seem to dissolve into an oily like consistency, hence the name, “magnesium oil”.
8. Spray on your body! Soak in the magnesium!
* I personally like to use the spray bottles and keep the extra “oil” in glass jars to refill the spray bottles. I also have an 8 oz glass spray bottle that I got from my coop, so it can hold more. But any spray bottle is good 🙂
Wasn’t that easy? Your body will thank you for it.
I got a response from the Ancient Minerals company about making magnesium oil with the flakes. Take a look please.
“The magnesium oil itself is a direct result of the process that is used to mine the magnesium chloride from the Zechstein seabed.
Magnesium chloride is hygroscopic, which means that it readily retains and attracts moisture.
Unlike the oil, the flakes are produced by an evaporating process which requires high heat. To produce the flakes, the magnesium oil is heated up to approximately 160 Degrees Celcius (320 Fahrenheit) and the water is evaporated until a concentration of 47% of magnesium chloride is reached. Due to the heating process needed for evaporation, a small amount of MgCl2 will decompose to MgOHCl (magnesium hydroxide chloride), MgCO3 (magnesium carbonate) and HCl (hydrochloric acid) in the vapor stream. These resulting compounds are responsible for the cloudiness that can be seen after dissolving the flakes. They are not hazardous but are products of the necessary production step to get the flake crystals. For applications with low magnesium concentrations, such as bathing applications, the flakes are perfectly suitable.
For applications with higher concentrations, we recommend the purity that can only be achieved by using the magnesium oil – straight from the source without any heat treatment.”
So They are saying that the concentration of magnesium is higher in their magnesium oil (this stuff) compared to the homemade stuff. You could just apply it more times a day or even try adding more than 1 cup of flakes to 1 cup of water. Try adding 2 cups if it dissolves all the way.
If you don’t see any benefits from using the homemade stuff after a few months, you might need a stronger concentration. Though, I seem to do fine with the homemade recipe as of now!
~Stay Gutsy, Caroline