So today I want to leave you with a simple easy recipe, dehydrated carrots or as I like to call them, Carrot Chips!
Why Carrot Chips?
Well, I has a lot of extra carrots lying around and I decided that drying them was the best option to save freezer is way too packed! Dehydrated carrots are great to throw in soups or grind up into your homemade granola bars to make a carrot cake flavor?! That is what I am planning on doing..I will let you know how that turns out! Though, Carrot Chips are good just as a finger snack!
Carrot nutrition
If you didn’t know, carrots are packed with vitamin A. Vitamin A is great for healthy eyes..”all the better to see you with my dear”… I love Little Red Riding Hood! They are also fairly high in vitamin k, and of course fiber. Carrots are very common veggie, and dehydrating is just another way to keep the veggies interesting! Since Carrot Chips are dehydrated, you are getting more nutrients for then volume!
Are these GAPS friendly?
If you can eat raw veggies on the GAPS diet, then YES you can snack on these. Though if you can only do cooked veggies on GAPS (it all depends on your stage), them maybe try lightly steaming them first. You might want to slice them a little thicker so they are not paper thin and fall apart on you. Just play around with the timing 🙂 Hope this helps!
Organic carrots (as many or as little s you want) ! No need to peel!
1. Wash and de-stem your carrots.
2. Use a mandolin or Cuisinart (easier if you are doing a lot!) to slice the carrots VERY thin. I use the smallest setting on my Cuisinart blade.
3. Spread the sliced carrots onto your dehydrating tray. I don’t worry about spreading them out super even. Mine usually end up in big clumps and they always end up shrinking a ton, so every carrot gets dried no matter what!
* If you are using these as a “chip” you can sprinkle a little sea salt over them if you like.
4. Dry in your dehydrator for 6-12 hours on 125-135 degrees. I tried to keep the live enzymes by drying it at 110 degrees, but it took 2 I just crank up the heat a little more and eat raw carrots if I want the enzymes! 🙂
* Oven directions: Cook at 250 degrees for 45 minutes, toss frequently so none over cook.
5. Check on your carrots every few hours. They are done when they are very shriveled and crisp! Crinkle the up 🙂
6. Serve as a snack (like a “chip”) or use in a recipe (like homemade carrot cake granola bars). I ♥ Carrot chips.
*Store in a ball jar in a dark cabinet. They might lose their crispness over time, but they are still good to use in soups or recipes.
~Stay Gutsy, Caroline