Is it just me or did August go by way to fast?
Because I woke up today and realized that September is a few days away! What?! The hot hot days are long gone and only a few more semi warm days are in the future (I hope!). The water is slightly cool to touch and the air just feels a little crisper then normal. The smell of leaves and apples are floating in the air.
Talking about this just makes me sad, because I LOVE summer too much! I know many people who really like fall better, but I am not one of those people. I can live in shorts and a tank top and do you know what Fall means?
That mean I have to wear real pants!! Ahh, sound funny but I hate long pants. I sometimes wear shorts in the cold fall and winter, until too many people start to comment. Not that I care what people think, but there comes a point where I can’t go anywhere without the conversation being brought up about my bare legs!
So I got a little side tracked. Where was I? Oh yes. Things I love about August. Let me list them out for you……
- I got 20,000+ views this month on my blog!! Hip hip hurry for all you gutsy readers out there! Don’t be scared to spread the gusty word :). I also reached over 600+ likes on FB! Keep up the love (lets shoot for 1,000).
- Gear up for school with Gutsy’s deliscious snacks. Coconut flour banana bread anyone? Try the exotic Salmon Jerky or Kiwi Fruit Leather. Turn a chip healthy Carrot chips!
- Baking banana bread for my growing brother. Nourished Kitchen can help introduce you to the wonderful coconut flour.
- Making kefir and coconut ice-cream way to much! 🙂 I made strawberry, chocolate, pistachio! (The picture above is the strawberry kefir ice cream).
- I don’t drink coffee but my sister and Dad do. I just love waking up to the smell of coffee. Fearless eating can give you tips to actually make your coffee healthier!
- Who doesn’t love Mama Natural?! Her healthy jello recipe is simply the best! (perfect school snack!)
- Take a peak at Gutsy’s new resource page, created by Real Food Media!
- Finally I think my whole family has caught onto making “real food” with out cheating and buying the nasty processed stuff at the store! Even my sister in college is hooked. If a college student can make time and afford the can too! Butter Believer’s “10 Easy Steps to Turn Any Recipe Into a Real Food Recipe” is really helpful! Or read Transitioning to a traditional food diet by Dines2Vines.
- These cookies from Mommypotamus really hit that chocolate/cookie craving! ..and it uses Gutsy’s GAPS chocolate drops! Yeah!
- If you are a nerd like me…you will love this post by thank your body! Hehe 🙂 hello potty talk.
- Have you seem my guest posts around town? Is your mattress toxic? Gutsy Kitchen tour (you got to see this!). Does the GAPS diet make you more sensitive?
- Waking up everyday and rubbing this homemade moisturizer in my skin! Thanks Holistic Kid.
- Lazy Summer mornings and the smell of eggs or even better, frittatas by Grass Fed Girl?
- I learn something new everyday! Thanks Nourishing Roots for teaching me about Vitamin K2
- Do you want nourished kids? Well if have not read this, then you are missing out, big time!!
- I came down with a bad bug that put me in bad for a few days with a bad rash! The worst part was the nausea…Thanks Honest to Goodness Living for these tips on Nausea
- With school around the corner (at least it has not started here yet) Food with Kid Appeal knows how to serve “real food” snacks at school! You go mama!
- Figuring out the PicMonkey exits! I love editing photos (have you seem my FB page photos?)..I wonder when I will get board of it?!
- Summer BBQ are the best…well only if you have healthy meat to grill. Small Foot print family knows her pork, do you?
- We reorganized and restocked a few bake ware in our kitchen this month. Too Many Jars has the perfect solutions for real food gadgets on a budget!
- I’m still on the GAPS diet. It’s almost my 1 year GAPS anniversary (I started late September! 2011). Are you still confused about the GAPS diet? Cheeseslave can unravel your questions.
What were your favorite things this August? What do you look forward to in September?
~Stay Gutsy, Caroline