Stop putting food before you health.
I know what you are all going to say. “What!” There is no question that humans just love food! Especially those sugary starchy bready goodies! Am I right?
Take a look at this picture. Would you eat this? Did you even think about the way this donut will make you feel afterwards? You see something good ad just grab it, because it is yummy. The stomach ache, itchy eyes from allergies, joint pain, or headache come and go on a daily basis, but you have classified these symptoms as ones that people just live with…right?
I hate to break it to you, but these symptoms are actually signs that your body is SICK! Grain can be so damaging to the body, in almost every way possible! Most grain products on the shelves in the US are probably GMO and untraditionally prepared. To make things worse, grain products are on the bottom of the USDA food pyramid. This can’t be farther from the truth, out body’s don’t want this!
The correct food pyramid
Take a look at this pyramid (click here). I bet it looks completely different to what you remember it as. Sadly this is not the USDA food pyramid (I will be jumping off the walls when it does! Ha!). For now this is the food pyramid traditional foodies abide by. Fat and meat every day, yes please!
Do you see the grains way up at the tippy top. That is how grain is supposed to be eaten. But why am I telling you to “go-grain free”. This is because the grain crops in the USA are so hybridized, GMO, pesticide-messed-up. Not only that but if you do eat grain, then it has to be carefully and properly soaked and prepared.
Leaky gut
So now you are thinking, well I can just prepare my grains in a proper way and then I can eat my bread. Not so fast! Did you ever take antibiotics? Did you suffer from allergies, sensitivities, muscle aches, get sick more then 1 or 2 times a year, or have a brain disorder (ADHA, anxiety, depression..etc.). These are symptoms of a leaky gut!
A leaky gut is when the big food molecules pass through your gut lining into your blood stream, where they are then marked as foreign invaders. This triggers the body to have an autoimmune reaction. Autoimmune is when your body actually starts to attack itself! The worse off you are, the more likely the chance for you to develop another autoimmune disorder. You can see where this is going…
Do you know what aggravates leaky gut the most and causes it to develop this autoimmune response in the first place? Grain! Grain is one of the most aggravating and hard to digest foods. That is why special care was taken for centuries in cultures to properly prepare grains.
Stop the Grain!
Since you probably have not had GMO-free and properly prepared grains since birth, you are most likely sensitive to them. The only way to stop your body from fighting against you is to STOP GRAIN! There might be other food triggers that cause your body harm, but going grain free if a HUGE start!