Today I got a lovely message from Judy on the Food Inc. FB group (great discussions happening there!) Please join if you have not already.
I’m guest speaking on her podcast!
She invited me to speak on her Podcast this Friday (in 2 days!) at 12:30 EDT or 11:30 CDT (Minnesota time). Make sure you get the right time, if you want to call in and ask questions!
I will be speaking with 3 other moms: Emily, Judy, and Caitlin (haha I seem to hang around mom’s a lot. There are not many people my age who really care about this stuff.) Oh well, that’s part of being Gutsy and stepping out of the bubble!
the Podcast is called…
“What are we feeding our children?”
LOVE LOVE the name! I am so passionate about real food nutrition, but I especially think we NEED to nourish our children in this world! There is so much tempting junk food around.
I will be talking about the GAPS diet too!
I am so excited, and hope you all will listen to the live version or the recording. I will post the recording on my blog when it is done!
here is the link for the podcast!
Part 1
Part 2
Have a great day 🙂
~Stay Gutsy, Caroline

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