Have you ever learned “How to make Coconut Butter ?”
Well, please stay a few minutes and I can tell (show) you how! Homemade Coconut Butter is one of the easiest things you can make at home! Plus you save a lot of money $!
What is Coconut butter?
Coconut butter is simply just coconut flakes blended into a buttery consistency. You can buy a jar here for $13.50!! Wow that is one expensive bottle of just blended coconut flakes. Use unsweetened coconut flakes, and you can always add in some vanilla beans (I use these), raw honey or stevia to taste. You will need a Cuisinart (favorite) or a Vitamix blender.
Where to buy coconut flakes?
This is the brand ( buy here) I use because it is raw unsweetened coconut flakes. It is not heated above 98 degrees. Buy 1 lb here or 5 lb.
This brand (buy here) is much less expensive and still tastes just as great!
How much is homemade Coconut butter?
When I used 2 cups (16oz) I made a little over 1 cup (10 oz ) of homemade coconut butter. So if you buy the coconut flakes for $3.6 lb, then you could make a whole 16oz (pint) of homemade coconut butter for just $5.76! Whoot whoot! That is less then ½ the price you could buy in a store 🙂
Help! Mine is not turing into butter!
- I can help you with that! The dried flakes are very dry so it will take 10-20 min about to turn the flakes into coconut butter. Be patient.
- I would recommend turning off your Cuisinart or Vitamix a few times to let it cool down, so it doesn’t over heat. When you turn it of for a “rest”, scrape down the edges, this is especially important in the Vitamix blender with taller sides.
- Most times I like to add in 2 TBS of raw coconut oil to help along the process. It’s not cheating, I like to call it “compromising” 🙂
2 cups of Shredded Coconut flakes (Unsweetened)
2 TBS of coconut oil *use as needed (see Help! section above)
*16 oz flakes = 10 oz coconut butter
1. Measure out 2 cups of coconut flakes.
2. Blend the coconut flakes in your Cuisinart (I use this one here) or Vitamix blender. It will look fluffy for several minutes
3. After about 5-10 minutes, the flakes should start to look smoother, keep the blade running until the coconut butter has NO chunks! This is the time to add in your coconut oil to “smooth/help” out the process!
* Stop your Cuisinart or blender several time to let it “cool down”. Scrape down the sides while you are at it.
4. After about 10-20 minutes, your coconut butter will be done! It will be liquid, so pour it in a jar at this time. After awhile, it will come to room temp and solidify again. I scooped out some, and you can see it is solid!
* To soften, place your glass jar in a pot of hot water, until liquidly. Don’t “cook” it, just warm it.
5. Simply YUM!! (not pictured) eat or use in recipes!
~Stay Gutsy, Caroline

I love this! Still a big savings over the $9.99 I pay for a jar of coconut butter!
Yes! still big 🙂
I love making my own coconut butter–that way, you can add flavorings or even other nuts if you like! I’ve never made it in the processor (only the blender). Nice to know it works this way, too! And thanks so much for sharing at Wellness Weekends this week. 😀
yes flavoring it is fun!
What a great idea! I can’t wait to try it!
Thanks Tamara! Its so quick and easy. I always make a big batch so I don’t have to do it often!
Great info! Would you recommend storing in the fridge or cupboard?
Oh, sorry I did not post that. I store mine in the cupboard because coconut is highly stable! Anyway the fridge would solidify it too much! It would be impossible to dig into it…
Neat! Tempting to make as a treat. 😉 Can you substitute for regular butter in the same ratio? Is the fat content modified at all?
hmm coconut butter is not pure “fat”.It is just ground coconut. You can sub coconut oil for butter in the same ratio. I have a brownie recipe I am going to post soon, that uses 1 cup of coconut butter and only a few TBS of flour. So the coconut butter really works as a “fat” and “bulk”. experimenting is always fun though!
I’d love to do this! I clicked on your links for buying coconut flakes, but there is no such product listed there. I’m not sure which form of coconut you use–flakes are relatively large but thin. The picture looks more like finely grated coconut. Can you clarify which form works best for this?
It’s a great idea and very helpful!
Oh sorry Judith. I just found out that WFN (wilderness family naturals) maxed its “clicks” on my resources page for this month, so that is why it is not showing up in the link. check back tomorrow (sept 1) and you will see the link take you to my resources page and WFN will be listed I use finely shredded coconut flakes, but really any coconut shape is fine (big or small) the small is just less expensive for me.
Sorry–I should have said “finely shredded.” Is that the best form of coconut to use? Such a good idea. I would pay around $11 for a jar of this–perhaps less than a pint.
Thanks Judith, the cuisinart chops it up so it does’t really matter the size, just get the flakes for shreads for the best price!
Thanks again for all the info. Definitely going to try this!
The second time I made the cocoa coconut truffles (the recipe on my blog) I wanted to make the coconut flakes less “chewy,” so I had this great idea to chop them up finer in my Vitamix. In less than a minute, I had accidentally made coconut butter!! Hahahaha. I still used it for truffles, but I didn’t have to use the 2 TBSP of coconut oil! I think I only used like a half tablespoon or something.
opps! but what a fun mistake 🙂
If I could afford to buy a vitamix I could afford to buy coconut creme in the jar … but I do buy it anyhow. By the way, the coconut creme is 70% coconut OIL so adding the oil to the flakes is right and even much more should be added. Neat site you got here!
thanks for that tip!
Coconut creme isn’t the same thing as coconut butter. Coconut creme is more liquidy than the butter, but thicker than coconut milk.
Will this work in a normal blender? I may have to get out the old food processor–haven’t used it in years.
Can you use this on making soap? It always asks for coconut oil, or shea butter… Both are expensive!!!
I don’t know, coconut butter is not 100% fat like coconut oil or shea butter, so I assume no.
I have a question…..do you use coconut butter the same way you use coconut oil? Do you use it in the place of butter? I am not sure how you would use it
Coconut butter is actually dried blended coconut flakes and the coconut oil is when the oil is pressed out. Coconut butter is actually a whole food where as coconut oil is a 100% fat. pancakes, toast, on a spoon (plain) drizzled over fruit…endless possibilities!
Am I able to use a Kitchenhand food processor ?
Could I make this using my Ninja?
any blender/food processor will work! as long as you can run it a few minutes without it overheating. just stop and scrape in the middle
I did this for a raspberry macaroon recipe I found on pintrest…thanks! It saved me alot of $$$
Oh awesome! I should look into making some too 🙂
What is the difference/benefit in coconut butter as opposed to coconut oil? Thanks.
Coconut butter is actually dried blended coconut flakes and the coconut oil is when the oil is pressed out. Coconut butter is actually a whole food where as coconut oil is a 100% fat
I’ve never used coconut butter. What all would you use it in or on?
pancakes, toast, on a spoon (plain) drizzled over fruit…endless possibilities!
I wish there was a way to keep the flakes from crawling up the sides so much. lol It is talking a lot of stopping and scraping. It is making my house smell wonderfully like coconut though. Letting the machine cool for a few minutes I’ll let you all know ho wit turns out.
yeah I know its a bugger. I like that smell too. ok thanks
The coconut butter turned out really well. I mixed a tiny bit of it with some water as a substitute for coconut milk and was able to make curry. it was Delicious. Thank you for the great idea!
great! yes the coconut milk will thin it out and curry sounds good! thank you for making it
I spread coconut butter on Ezekiel bread and drizzle honey on top. MMMMMM
mmm. coconut butter is yum!
I have some dessicated coconut arriving soon from Amazon. Will that work the same as the coconut flakes? I’ve never used either one before, so don’t know! Thanks!
Yes any form of coconut will work -flakes or shreds.
I was researching making my own coconut butter tonight and wondering how much of my store-bought coconut butter I should use in a recipe calling you to use shredded coconut and then process it and I remembered your site had some numbers. I wanted to point out some errors in your math. Ounces measure weight and cups measure volume. 8 ounces of butter is 1/2 cup. 8 ounces of water is 1 cup –“a pint’s a pound the world around” applies to liquids which weigh the same as water. I saw on another site that someone bought a 14oz bag of coconut (not a GAPS site, so likely corn-syrup sweetened coconut shreds) but her 14 oz bag label showed it contained 5 1/3 C of shredded coconut. I’m thinking when you said 16 oz of shredded coconut makes 10 oz of coconut butter, you probably meant 16 oz, 1 lb, roughly 6 C of shredded coconut makes over 1 C of coconut butter? Otherwise your food processor ate 6 ounces of coconut. Sorry to be the math freak, I was just needing to figure out the numbers and ended up at your site and thought I’d let you know! By the way, I love your site and your chocolate chip cookies were delicious. Hoping to try the peppermint fudge soon too!
People often consider that 2 cups = 16 ounces by volume. So likely, the 16oz (by volume) shredded coconut made 10ounces (by weight) butter.
Your link is to a paid advert.
It’s also not clear if you’re comparing “apples” to “apples” and using organic coconut.
Would you please clarify?
Can you make your own coconut flakes from a coconut or is it better to buy them?
they need to be dehydrated coconut flakes first.
im in the uk, can i use desiccated coconut, our version of dried coconut
also does it work without the coconut oil?
yes that is ok, it is just harder to get blended smooth without the coconut oil, but it is possible.
How long is it good for in the glass jar?
many months, never had it spoil
This is great. What is the approximate shelf life? Thank you.
many many months
I’m trying to find the resource for the flakes so we can try this. The link goes to a site with no coconut products listed….help!
check again
When adding the coconut oil does it need to be solid or melted?
melted is better or soft
I’m going to try this for sure. I love the incredibly silky Sacred Foods Coconut Butter—by far, the best out there, imo—but it is nearly $20/jar! I’d be happy to use my own homemade for recipes, and save the Sacred for straight-off-the-spoon delight!
did we have to use the coconut oil?
it helps blend it better
Can you use coconut butter in cooking and baking like you use coconut oil?
No they are 2 different things!
Hi, we are currently on Phase 2 of GAPS Intro and I cannot find instructions anywhere as to when we can introduce coconut products. Can you enlighten me?
I cant remember exactly right now, but I think you can introduce coconut oil now and small bits of coconut butter when you can digest “fiber” like on veggies. Could be now or in a few weeks. Hope that helps. This book is great to guide you through ingredients and meals too http://www.mygutsy.com/what-can-you-eat-on-gaps-intro/