Hey! I have a special post from Jennifer from 20 something allergies. Isn’t this chart really cute and helpful!
About Jennifer: Jennifer Nervo is a blogger, homeschooling mama, research fanatic, and has been fondly dubbed ‘the witch doctor’ by her hubby though she prefers the title voodoo practitioner. It sounds so much more professional. On a typical day, you can find her brewing up potions, lotions, and concoctions while learning to practice sustainability with her 4 year old daughter and very tolerant husband. She loves the ancient practices that comes with traditional foods and medicines but is also very fond of her modern conveniences.
Jennifer blogs over at 20 something allergies and counting…down about a range of topics mainly focused on healing food allergies and other chronic illnesses, eating an allergen- and grain-free diet, and teaching about rotation diets for optimal healing. Find out the varied life topics that make their way onto the blog here.
~Stay Gutsy, Caroline

From a pin on Pinterest, I found you and Homemade Mommy. Both of you talk about GAPS. I have scanned both your blogs and tried to see the 5 minute video but it came up blank. My question is, “WHAT IS GAPS?” (that is not to shout but to get your attention.).
I find no explanation anywhere and have never heard of it. I am beginning “The Blood Sugar Solution” and want to learn all I can. I am a 69-year-old great-grandmother with various health problems I want to “vamoose”. Both the blogs look wonderful!
Hi Linda, GAPS is a special diet to heal the gut and food allergies. It stands for Gut and Physiology syndrome. If you want to read about it, they have a great book (right here). Or I have a whole section about GAPS (right here)