
GAPS Fudge Brownies

Have you noticed I have been gone lately?

Why is that you ask..well I have been on and off sick for 3 weeks!! 

Your probably wondering how a person can be sick for 3 weeks if they eat healthy and take care of themselves. I was wondering the same thing too. I was reminded that sometimes our bodies just need to get sick and there is no rhyme or reason for it. I also think that the body naturally detoxes in the fall so I think I was battling die-off as well.

Time to get moving

I’m crossing my fingers I am better for good (well at least for some time more then 2 days). I woke up this morning motivated and hungry! I have not been hungry in the past 2 weeks, so this is a good sign. I woke up refreshed and actually looking forward to starting a new day that doesn’t include detox baths, naps, reading (that is all I feel like doing when I’m sick-blogging just hurts my head!), spoonfuls of FCLO, and 4 cups of bone broth 🙂 Im also looking forward to taking a run again (I love running!).

Catch up time

Now I only have like 50 + comments to check on my blog..so if you left a comment, please be patient! Oh and like 50 e-mails to reply to..hmm can you guess what I am doing today? 🙂 Im just so grateful that you all love to ask questions!

So now that you now what is going on in my life, there is a little something special for you. I did this guest post about a weeks ago, but incase you didn’t see it..


GAPS Fudge Brownies

(*note to self: make these soon. please!)


Here are the supplies I use…


Cooking Supplies:


GAPS Fudge Brownies  (grain/egg/dairy free) <— get the recipe here




~Stay Gutsy, Caroline

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  1. So sorry you’ve been so sick…hope it’s all past now and you can enjoy the fall and get back to baking!! 🙂


  1. […] GAPS Fudge Brownies […]

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