The intense itch. The burning red bumps. The oozing sting.
Yep, I have been there too.
Eczema is more than just a nuisance
I have had eczema my whole life. I get it. I admit, I itch it and it hurts worse. But what else is there to do?! There actually might be a solution. But lets learn what eczema really means.
Eczema is your body’s way of saying “help me!” Skin is an easy way for our body to communicate with us. Most often doctors prescribe creams and medications that really should be labeled as “toxic” . These artificial ingredients are harmful to your body. It makes it even worse that by using these “standard procedure” creams you are pushing the eczema back inside of you. Yuck!
I’m tired of doctors saying “that’s just the way we treat it”. Uhhh! I have heard that one, way too many times. Honestly, the eczema will never go away unless you heal the root cause. Covering up your symptoms only leads you down the road to bigger problems.
My Eczema Story
I suffered from severe eczema growing up. I still get some form time to time when I get extra stressed or sick. But it used to be much worse! My skin would constantly break out in oozy and itchy eczema. I was simply miserable and embarrassed! Not only does eczema hurt, but also having a bright red rash is not very flattering.
My eczema came out at the worst time, between 13-17 years old (I was in middle school and high school). It was humiliating to look in the mirror and see a red rash spread around my eyes, inside my nose, in the cracks of my mouth, and blotched around my chin. I remember crying because I did not understand why my body was doing this to me! My skin was literally screaming out to me, though I did not know how to help it. (I would put a picture….but surprise surprise, I hid from the camera a lot when I had bad eczema!)
Lets just fix eczema once and for all
After reading tThe Eczema Cure, I wanted to quickly stop and rewind time and hand my young self this book! It was so relieved to find out what exactly to do to get healthy skin again. This book has all the easy answers I needed to cure my eczema! It goes into detail about fixing the root cause. The cure is more simple then you would expect too. Did I mention food?
The #1 I did for my eczema.
I switched the food I eat! Just like The Eczema Cure suggests I did an elimination diet. I certainly could have used the guidelines and help of this books, because I was pretty much blind during the whole process. It took me years of trial and error, frustration, days of research, and pain to learn bits and pieces. The Eczema cure really covers it all. I actually learned loads of new information with every page I read.
It is a learning, healing and recipe guide for the worst of the worst eczema and skin problems out there!
The Author
Emily from Holistic Kid is the brilliant writer behind this book! I would consider this book “one of a kind” and a must for ANYONE with skin problems! This book has the tools to cure all skin problems! Emily actually healed her daughter’s bad eczema with the principles of this book! Are these pictures amazing or what?
What you will learn from The Eczema Cure?
Here are some things to expect from The Eczema Cure…
- What causes eczema.
- How to treat eczema.
- Eczema triggers.
- The elimination diet.
- Nourishing recipes. (sooo yummy!)
- The healing power of food!
- The super helper vitamins.
Buy The Eczema Cure!
If you or anyone you know suffers from skin problems, I would highly recommend this book. Emily is a holistic and Chinese medicine doctor, so she has seen and healed a lot of eczema in her practice. Can you guess how she does it? The Eczema Cure has all her healing answers.
Buy NOW. while it is on sale for $29.95 $24.95 (limited time).
Click here to Buy NOW.!
If you think about it this way, this is a small price you have to pay for all the rough itchy days, worthless medications, and countless hours of research you had to go through. Don’t make my mistake, and make it easy on yourself! I can’t wait to see my own results from The Eczema Cure!
Mexican Carnitas Photo: Mike McCune
~Stay Gutsy, Caroline

OOoh, is that tempting! I’m about your age, but haven’t suffered from eczema until now…..seems like I get it whenever my hands are wet for too long or too often. (at least I’ve been told it’s eczema!). So I’m curious about *why* I’m getting this all of a sudden. I’m suspecting dairy, but I’m kicking against going dairy free. 😉 One of these days I’ll bite the bullet….
This book is great at helping you find the cause of your eczema. The sooner the better, because your skin is just a sign that something major is wrong. You will probably be much happier overall if you give up whatever is giving you eczema. To be able to eat dairy again, I would suggest the GAPS diet.
I had a problem with eczema on my nose and forehead. After using Foderma Serum for a week, it’s gone. I’ve used expensive prescription shampoos and creams before and this does every bit as well and costs much less. Some people are a little put off by the smell, but I actually found it kind of pleasant. Very satisfied.