
My Biggest Mistake on the GAPS Diet

I want to introduce you to my new friend, Lauren!

Lauren is almost the same age as me. She is also a blogger, be both do online college (she might even do NTA too!), we have some of the same problems and are fixing them with GAPS….how coincidental! Do you think we were destined to be friends?  Lauren and I enjoy catching up over Skype every week to talk. Even though we live in 2 different states, we can still be good friends! I can’t wait to meet her in real person..someday. (The hard part is, we both don’t travel so well!)


Show Lauren some LOVE and give her blog a “like” on FB (right here). While your at it, comment and say hi to her! (bloggers love comments!)



Let’s give it up for the amazing writer behind the blog Empowered Sustenance!


Hi Gutsy Readers!

I’m Lauren, author of Empowered Sustenance, and I’m excited to share a bit of my healing journey with you all. First, though, I want to tell you about my serendipitous introduction with Caroline.

No--I don’t randomly dance on logs in pointe shoes.  This is my high school senior picture from last summer!

No–I don’t randomly dance on logs in pointe shoes. This is my high school senior picture from last summer!


Meeting Caroline

I used to be skeptical of relationships started over the internet. “How does chemistry happen with just a few similarities typed into a form?” I always wondered. As of July 2012, however, I became a believer.

I first found mygutsy.com through Caroline’s guest post on Kelly the Kitchen Kop. A few days later, I met Caroline in the Real Food Media Forum. We exchanged a couple of emails, at first discussing our two main commonalities: our age (I’m 19 and Caroline is 18), our experience following the GAPS diet, and our blogs. I knew we were soul mates, however, when she explained that her health issues prevented her from traveling with her family. “Finally!” I thought. “Someone who understands being home alone during summer vacation!”

My Real Food Transition

Five years ago, as a freshman in high school, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. For a while, I held my colitis under control by obliviously popping pills to suppress any symptoms. Unfortunately, my colitis advanced aggressively while prescriptions muted my body’s attempts at communicating with me. “You are probably looking at a colon resection in the future,” my doctor solemnly told me. Horrified tears streamed down my face as I promised myself that I would never lose my colon.

Last fall, with that vow, I left for college–armed with potent immune-suppressing medication and a plan to eat and sleep well in the dorm. During that first semester at college, my colitis flared constantly. I struggled to mask my health issues, but I could no longer hide my dwindling energy or humiliating hair loss caused by my medication and distressed intestines. At the end of the fall semester, I signed up for online college courses, headed back home, and ditched my medication. I threw myself wholeheartedly into treating my colitis with nutrition.

I submerged myself in healing books in an effort to treat my colitis without medication

Healing with the GAPS Diet

For months, I consumed healing doses of broths, raw butter, and traditionally prepared foods, but I still couldn’t tame my colitis. Finally, after starting the GAPS Diet four months ago, I experienced immediate relief from many of my colitis symptoms.

The Low Carb Mistake

Shortly after starting GAPS, I read The Body Ecology Diet and freaked out. I realized I was a prime candidate for major candida overgrowth, after years of mega-doses of prednisone (a corticosteroid) and antibiotics for my colitis. In an effort to reduce candida, I cut honey from my diet, reduced starchy vegetables, and ate only one serving of fruit a day.

In an effort to avoid honey, I started sweetening my desserts with only stevia, such as in this Lemon Souffle Cake

Get this yummy recipe here!

Suddenly, I experienced debilitating dizziness. I would collapse on my bedroom floor after getting out of bed in the morning. I needed to clutch the rail as I slowly climbed up stairs to maintain balance. My equilibrium had disappeared–which was bad news when it came time for pirouettes in ballet class. Unfortunately, it took me a few weeks before I realized the correlation between the dizziness and my limited carb consumption.

Sticking with GAPS

Kendahl, of Our Nourishing Roots, discussed how she also went too low carb on GAPS. She decided to stop the GAPS diet and try Matt Stone’s RRARFING: Rehabilitative Rest and Aggressive Re-Feeding. This anti-diet technique works by raising body temperature and metabolism.

I’m happy to hear how well it worked for Kendahl, but I cannot follow Matt’s dietary regimen. I know that avoiding certain carbs, like the grains and sugar prohibited on GAPS, is the only way to keep my colitis under control. Hopefully, after a few years of intestinal healing on this diet, I will be able to re-introduced properly prepared grains.

The GAPS Carb Solution

So how am I solving my carb problem on GAPS? As soon as I realized my dizziness correlated with my low-carb consumption, I increased my fruit and starchy vegetable intake. Now, I enjoy all-banana ice cream or creamy fruit smoothies every day. I eat squash, carrots, and beets for a GAPS-legal carb feast. And I choose raw honey over stevia. Nothing beats raw honey drizzled over fluffy GAPS coconut flour pancakes.

My ultimate coconut flour pancakes provide protein, healing fats, and GAPS-friendly carbs

mmm…Recipe right here!

One thing at a time

I’ve discovered that super low carb doesn’t work for my body, and I’ve learned how to get enough carbs on the GAPS diet. But what about the candida? Perhaps, when I get off GAPS in a couple years and can eat properly prepared grains, I will try reducing honey and fruit temporarily. For now, I’m focusing on healing my gut–the foundation for whole-body health. I have a feeling that when my gut flora balances and digestive tract heals, the rest will fall into place. I hope to see you soon at Empowered Sustenance!



~Stay Gutsy, Caroline

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Pineapple Chips

Sweet. Tangy. Chewy. and oh so good

Pineapple Chips are natures candy.

Personally I don’t have a sweet tooth! Surprising to hear, I know. If I had a choice between beef  (100 %grass fed of course) and fruit, I would choose the beef. Though, I know that most people crave sweets and giving up candy or deserts is a hard thing to do on the GAPS diet.



These are my mom’s favorite snack. I used to make them by dehydrating at 135 degrees, like the dehydrator instructions said. Though, it was my mom who wanted to keep the enzymes, so she cranked down the temp to 100 degrees! My smart mommy 🙂 She is always on the go, and these are perfect to bring in the car without the juicy fruit dripping down her arms 🙂



Pineapple chips are the perfect sweetness and chewiness. The first bite gives you a burst of sweet-pineapple-flavor that literally has a party in your mouth 🙂

The texture can be either very crunchy (like a chip) or a little chewy (like a chewy candy). Your choice.

Make sure to use ripe pineapple, so the sweetness and flavor can really makes its bold appearance!



Pineapple chips provide special nutrients to us. They are filled with Enzymes! Enzymes help to digest all our other food. They help keep your digestion smooth and sound. The main enzyme in pineapple is called bromelain. Bromelain, is also known to boost immune function, is anti-inflammatory, and helps speed healing of scrapes and scabs.

Keep the Enzymes!

To keep the enzymes in pineapple chips, you need to dehydrate at a low temperaturee. Dehydrating at a low temperature will ensure the enzymes stay intact and do not become denatured or unraveled. I would suggest using a dehydrator for this and keeping the setting at 100 degrees. If you don’t have a dehydrator, then an oven can work, but the enzymes will most likely not be active (in the end) due to the higher temperature. No worries, the taste is the same!


Honestly, there is not much you need to prepare for this. I just wanted to give you a few things to think about. We don’t buy organic pineapple, because it is considered one of the “clean” fruits. Your peel a good layer of “skin” off anyways.

Also I don’t de-core my pineapple (as you can see in the picture). It seems like the pineapple stays more intact in the 1/2 wedges when I keep the core in. I once took it out, and I ended up having little pieces, because they fell apart. If you are going for small chunks, then maybe taking the core out is your way to go! It is edible, but you can just eat around it, if it is too hard for your taste.


1 pineapple


1. Chop off the top and bottom and cut off the edges “skin” of the pineapple (I find a serrated knife works the best). Keep the pineapple whole
2.  Slice the pineapple down the center, so you have 2 halves.
3. Lay each 1/2 face side down, and slice 1/8 ” slices (pretty thin, but not falling part).
4. Spread the wedges onto a dehydrate tray (I use 3 Exchalibur trays for 1 pineapple). Make sure the pineapple is not touching. ** oven directions below
5. Dehydrate in your dehydrator for 15-20 hours on 100 degrees. (15 hrs = chewy & 20+ hrs = crunchy) * quick way below
6. Take them out of the dehydrator and test for preferred texture (crunchy or chewy). They will harden more as they cool.
7. Store extras in a glass ball jar! Enjoy your GAPS “candy”

*Quick way:

if you want to make this faster. Crank the temperature up to 135 degrees and dehydrate 7-12 hours. But remember you will ruin the enzymes. The longer version is more beneficial for your body, just be patient!

**Oven directions:

4. Spread the wedges onto a parchment paper or siliplat lined baking sheet. Don’t let them touch!
5. Dehydrate in oven for 5-10 hours on 135 degrees. (If your oven does not go this low. Just start checking the pineapple after 4 hours. You don’t want it to overcook!) Flip a few times during the process. 
6. Take them out of the oven and test for preferred texture (crunchy or chewy). They will harden more as they cool.
7. Store extras in a glass ball jar! Enjoy your GAPS “candy”
P.S. Do you like the rainbow theme today! Pineapple chips are just something to be so happy about!


~Stay Gutsy, Caroline

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Food Freedom Flash Mob

Take a look at what my Minnesota Traditional Food group put together…

They danced to celebrate their food freedom and show their excitement and passion for local food! Haha, I cannot dance, so I was not in the flash mob 🙂

I was planing on going, but got a fever and felt really sick last weekend. Bummer! At least they recorded it.

I think I have watched it and showed it to friends 10 times in the past week! I’m so proud of them. They preformed at 4 markets!!

I love Raw milk, fresh organic veggies, and grass fed meat!

How do you celebrate your food freedom?

MN Food Freedom  Flash Mob


~Stay Gutsy, Caroline


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How to make Coconut Butter

Have you ever learned “How to make Coconut Butter ?”

Well, please stay a few minutes and I can tell (show) you how! Homemade Coconut Butter is one of the easiest things you can make at home! Plus you save a lot of money $!


What is Coconut butter?

Coconut butter is simply just coconut flakes blended into a buttery consistency. You can buy a jar here for $13.50!! Wow that is one expensive bottle of just blended coconut flakes.  Use unsweetened coconut flakes, and you can always add in some vanilla beans (I use these), raw honey or stevia to taste.  You will need a Cuisinart (favorite) or a Vitamix blender.

Where to buy coconut flakes?

This is the brand ( buy here) I use because it is raw unsweetened coconut flakes. It is not heated above 98 degrees. Buy 1 lb here or 5 lb.

This brand (buy here) is much less expensive and still tastes just as great!


How much is homemade Coconut butter?

When I used 2 cups (16oz) I made a little over 1 cup (10 oz ) of homemade coconut butter. So if you buy the coconut flakes for $3.6 lb, then you could make a whole 16oz (pint) of homemade coconut butter for just $5.76! Whoot whoot! That is less then ½ the price you could buy in a store 🙂

Help! Mine is not turing into butter!

  • I can help you with that! The dried flakes are very dry so it will take 10-20 min about to turn the flakes into coconut butter. Be patient.
  • I would recommend turning off your Cuisinart or Vitamix a few times to let it cool down, so it doesn’t over heat.  When you turn it of for a “rest”, scrape down the edges, this is especially important in the Vitamix blender with taller sides.
  • Most times I like to add in 2 TBS of raw coconut oil to help along the process. It’s not cheating, I like to call it “compromising” 🙂



2 cups of Shredded Coconut flakes (Unsweetened)

2 TBS of coconut oil *use as needed (see Help! section above)



*16 oz flakes = 10 oz coconut butter

1. Measure out 2 cups of coconut flakes.

2.  Blend the coconut flakes in your Cuisinart (I use this one here) or Vitamix blender. It will look fluffy for several minutes

3. After about 5-10 minutes, the flakes should start to look smoother, keep the blade running until the coconut butter has NO chunks! This is the time to add in your coconut oil to “smooth/help” out the process!

 * Stop your Cuisinart or blender several time to let it “cool down”. Scrape down the sides while you are at it.

 4. After about 10-20 minutes, your coconut butter will be done! It will be liquid, so pour it in a jar at this time. After awhile, it will come to room temp and solidify again. I scooped out some, and you can see it is solid!

 * To soften, place your glass jar in a pot of hot water, until liquidly. Don’t “cook” it, just warm it.

5. Simply YUM!!  (not pictured) eat or use in recipes!



~Stay Gutsy, Caroline


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I’m guest speaking on a Podcast!


Today I got a lovely message from Judy on the Food Inc. FB group (great discussions happening there!) Please join if you have not already.

I’m guest speaking on her podcast!

She invited me to speak on her Podcast this Friday (in 2 days!) at 12:30 EDT or 11:30 CDT (Minnesota time). Make sure you get the right time, if you want to call in and ask questions!

I will be speaking with 3 other moms: Emily, Judy, and Caitlin (haha I seem to hang around mom’s a lot. There are not many people my age who really care about this stuff.) Oh well, that’s part of being Gutsy and stepping out of the bubble!

the Podcast is called…

“What are we feeding our children?”

LOVE LOVE the name! I am so passionate about real food nutrition, but I especially think we NEED to nourish our children in this world! There is so much tempting junk food around.

I will be talking about the GAPS diet too!

I am so excited, and hope you all will listen to the live version or the recording. I will post the recording on my blog when it is done!

here is the link for the podcast!

Part 1


Part 2



Have a great day 🙂


~Stay Gutsy, Caroline


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