2 more days left!!
You have 2 more days to catch this great offer on the Wellness e-book bundle!
How much per book?
There are 33 books and it costs $39. That is $1.18 a book!!! You can’t really get any better then that!
Together all of these books cost $479, so you save 92%
Click here to BUY NOW!
My favorite books
Read about which books I love best in this post here.
What will you learn to do from all of these books?
- Heal your PCOS
- Plan grain-free meals
- Boost your metabolism
- Nourish your baby well
- Cure your skin issues
- Lacto-ferment any food you want
- Educate your kids about real food
- Smartly indulge in treats guilt-free
- Heal your acne without antibiotics
- Restock your pantry with real food
- Live a simpler, more meaningful life
- Complete your next Whole30 with ease
- Cook with real food via 6 unique cookbooks
- Experience your best family camping trip ever
- Give a hospital birth naturally with minimal stress
What is the list of books?
Take a look at the complete list of all 33 books here.
What have I learned from these Wellness books?
I do a lot of research. I love it. I crave information that I can relate and use in my own life. I also eat up any information that can help my family and friends and my readers (you!)
Research takes a lot of time. Scouring the internet and deciding if you should trust the author or not. But when I find a good e-book (and I trust the author) I know that I will get good information and recipes that has been thoroughly tested and well researched.
The is why I cant say enough great things about the Wellness e-book bundle!
Let me go through some of the books I have learned great lessons or techniques from that I use in my everyday life.
Grain Free Meal Plan cookbook
When I first started the GAPS diet I was stumped. How was I going to eat this way for months or even years? I did research and picked out a few recipes but nothing was going to prepare me for having to be on GAPS for over 12 months. This is when cook books come in handy, especially this one.
Cara from Health Home and Happiness is a GAPS expert! She has done GAPS for her family and they have seem tremendous results. I knew that her recipes were trusted and tested and they were exactly what I needed to keep my imagination and cooking creations fueled. She even has a Freezer cooking guide for grain free meals too (this is included in the bundle as well!)
Indulge: 70 Grain Free Recipes
Dont even get me started on the photography and beyond delicious (but grain free) recipes! I would just buy this book just to drool over the pictures 🙂
Carol from Ditch the Wheat is a genius! -a sweet (grain free) one too!
If I had a party or family get together and “needed” to bring a desert, this is the cook book I would choose to go to. Everything is a masterpiece and when you are under “that” kind of pressure, there is no messing up! Even if people didn’t eat “grain-free” I would serve these deserts anyway.
Nourished Baby
LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. this book!
Nope I don’t have a baby of my own or even one in my family. That did not stop me from devouring every page of this book.
Heather from the Mommypotamus is genuinely nice and super smart! She knows her stuff on babies, birthing, food, nutrition and beyond. She advocates bone marrow, fish eggs, liver. She certainly wont force it down yours or your baby’s throat but instead she will give you guidelines and even recipes to guide you.
She talks about a baby’s gut flora and how important the birth process really is. She taught me things about my own life, and how my health was affected by the choices made when I was a baby.
If you want to read about how my childhood and how this book gave me answers, click here. I would say this book alone is worth every penny!
This is becoming a very popular book in the blog world, and for a good reason. Matt Stone from 180degreehealth is on to something.
Raise your hands if you suffer form cold fingers and feet! Me!..and let me tell you its no fun when its below freezing here in the Minnesota winter wonderland. 🙂
Who had a low body temperature? Me. Lets say I had a fever a few days ago and I was burning up. My temp got to 97..
What has clear pee and drinks lots and lots of water- the more the better- (hey that is what “they say” right)? Wrong. I used to drink more then 100 oz of water a day. Yep I peed a lot.
Who here has terrible sleep?? Whether it has to do with blood sugar, hormones, or simple just getting up to pee (me), this is not “optimal health”. Im not going to say “normal” because what is normal anyways?!
What to know the good news? After I simply cut down on my water intake; I sleep better, my fingers and toes are warm and Im craving less water. It is possible to be over hydrated. I learned too many lesson to count in this book!
Something to be excited about!
The good news is that you don’t have to pick just one of these books but you get all of these (I just mentioned) plus the whole package of a total of 33 e-books. This calls for a-little excitement. How about a 30 second dance party…to get your blood moving of course 🙂
If you decide that this will be a good investment for your health, your family’s health, and even your friends health. Then what are you waiting for? Compared to all the medical bills and food/supplements and dr. appointments this price is not much.
This information is worth it!
I have gone through the loops and hoops of medical care both western and holistic. The Dr.’s take tests and give supplements but the rest is up to you.
It is YOUR job to do the reading and implement a healthy, whole, traditional food lifestyle into your life.
Most likely your knowledge and research will benifit others. People will ask questions and maybe dip their finger in your dairy free pudding. That is all is takes to spread the word about living an optimal healthy life.
The information is there, all it needs is some eyes to read it, a brain to comprehend it, and some bodies to live it.
Join me in in learning 🙂
Click here to BUY NOW!
~Stay Gutsy!