
Cavitations: chronic illness that stems from the jaw

Hi everyone! Today I want to share with you a story from my good friend Nicole. She found my blog a while back and learned about cavitations just as I was discovering this issue for myself. She actually went ahead and treated them with a special ozone treatment.  Her story is amazing and I’m lucky to call her my friend. I think Nicole would agree that experiences like this need to be shared, and I’m so grateful she agreed to share her journey with you.

* Update: Nicole has decided to explore treating the “root” of cavitations – Mercury and bacteria. There are several avenues to do this and Ill explain more in my next post about Mercury!)

My wisdom teeth removal nightmare

Practically everyone knows about wisdom teeth extractions, but many are unaware of the complications that can arise after having this “supposedly” routine surgery…

Hi, my name is Nicole and I would like to share the story about my health journey.

I was put under anesthesia to have all four of my wisdom teeth removed by an oral surgeon, and   I awoke pretty strong but very pale. Sometime after the extractions, I began to have extreme chronic pain (mostly focused on my left side, beginning with my left jaw) throughout my entire body. I could barely move without experiencing some shooting pain dancing around inside me. Then there was the brain fog.  If I met a new person one day, I would forget them the next. Yes, it was pretty bad (sorry to everyone, at that time, who was always a “new friend”).


Mysterious health issues

However, that wasn’t the worst of it.  I also became extremely fatigued to a point where I was literally a “couch potato.” My sister would trim my nails for me because I was too weak to lift my arm. I actually felt like I was going to collapse at any moment. The MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) intensified even more after my surgery.  I couldn’t be near anyone with perfume because my throat would tighten up and my breathing would become laborious.  The chemicals and smells would also create headaches and more fatigue. My hair was thinning out dramatically (time to cut it short for the new growth I have).

There was also a strange thing that happened…the tendons in my neck disappeared!  I woke up one morning to notice that I could barely breathe through my throat, and I could clearly see the indentation in my neck where the tendons should have been.  Doctors were, once again, baffled when I told them, but, personally, I think this was caused from the bad bacteria trying to overtake my weakened body.


Puzzling Doctors

Oh no!  For the frosting on the cupcake (that I cannot eat), I additionally gained MANY food allergies.  Not cool. Doctors were puzzled at my condition and misdiagnosed me numerous times which caused me to take several  harmful medications.   I couldn’t help but wonder about the main cause of the symptoms I was having…

It all started with the wisdom teeth extractions, and I knew deep down inside that there had to be some connection between the two.

After many hours of research, I changed my diet to grass-fed meats and organic fruits and veggies. This diet change took away the pain in my body, made the tendons in my neck return, and helped me with my major forgetfulness.  What was I just talking about???  Ha.  I’m just kidding around.  My mind is finally starting to become as sharp as a ninja’s sword. 😉


The cavitation connection

I came to Caroline’s website one day and realized that she had the same symptoms as me! 😀
Through her,  I discovered the infamous word called cavitations (infection of the jaw), and God has blessed me with a new pathway to healing and, most importantly, He has blessed me with  a new friend.

What created all this awesomeness that you see above? Cue dramatic theme music….CAVITATIONS


Cavitations explained

A cavitation is an unhealed hole in the jawbone caused by an extracted tooth [or a root canal or an injury to a tooth]. Since wisdom teeth are the most commonly extracted teeth, most cavitations are found in the wisdom tooth sites. The tooth is attached to the jawbone by a periodontal ligament which is comprised of “jillions” of microscopic fibers. One end of each fiber is attached to the jawbone and the other end of the fiber is attached to the tooth root. When a tooth is extracted, the fibers break midway between the root and the bone. This leaves the socket (the area where the root was anchored in the bone) coated with periodontal ligament fibers.



Extractions have to be done well. Normally they pull a tooth out, stick a piece of gauze in there and say bite on it. After the tooth is removed, the socket has to be completely cleaned so that complete healing can occur. If tissue such as torn pieces of ligaments or periosteum is left in the socket and covers the bone, the bone will tend to heal over the top, leaving a hole in the bone, and new bone cannot form. This hole can persist for the rest of the patient’s life. It is a chronic infection that is called an alveolar cavitational osteopathosis or cavitation. This means that there is an infected cavity in the bone. These bone infections are only now being seriously researched. If they are fairly easy to prevent by proper socket cleaning, why is this not being done? But many if not most dentists have never heard of cavitations.

(Source: http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=897428)


Ozone Treatment

I had my cavitations treated with the combination of Ozone therapy and UBI treatment.

“Ozone is a powerhouse element that effectively stabilizes the healthy cells that exist in the body and simultaneously destroy weak, deformed, or sick cells. These cells have no place in the body, and include organisms such as bacteria and fungi, as well as viruses. Ozone is a natural product of sunlight, and is produced by lightning. This natural element can also be made when high currents of electricity are pulsed through medical grade oxygen. The two elements are quite closely related, actually, with oxygen being O2, and ozone being O3. It is impossible to be allergic to oxygen and/or ozone.”



What is UBI?

UBI/UVBI (Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation) UVBI Ultraviolet Therapy has many similar effects to Ozone Therapy. UVBI Therapy is a medical therapy where the blood is exposed to Ultraviolet UVC light as it is removed from the patient’s body, and then reintroduced to the patient’s body. Some of its effects are:

  • Inactivation of toxins
  • Destruction and inhibition of growth of bacteria
  • Increase in the oxygen combing power of blood and oxygen transportation to organs
  • Activation of white blood cells
  • Immunostimulation of cellular and humoral immunity
  • Anti-inflammatory effects
  • Increased tolerance of the body to chemotherapy and radiation
  • Decreased viscosity of blood
  • Cardiovascular protection
  • Powerful anti-infection properties
  • Improved microcirculation
  • Decreased platelet aggregation

See more at: http://drkalidas.com/pathways/ultraviolet.html#sthash.fdxXgG1m.dpuf


Here is my [Nicole’s] experience with the Ozone and UBI treatment from a holistic dentist

For the past three months, I have been traveling to La Jolla to see a holistic dentist who specializes in treating cavitations. I would have blood taken from my arm and put in an IV bag (that contained saline). Then the ozone would be injected into the blood/saline mixture. You could see how my blood would begin to change colors, from a dark-sticky mess into a lighter and healthier version of blood.
This beautiful blood would then travel through the little IV tube into the UBI machine where it was cleansed to an even healthier degree as it returned back into my body.
The doctor would then take some of the “cleansed blood” and inject it straight into my jawbone (where all four of my cavitation sites were). Yes, all four of the wisdom teeth extraction spots in my jaw were spongy and full of infection.



I was sick and fatigued the first month after treatment, but then it has been “uphill” ever since!
My food allergies are now dwindling, I have MORE energy than ever before, my hair is growing back, and my MCS is improving!  Praise the Lord!

Nicole also had a blood culture taken from her jaw too see if the bacteria count was down after the UBI. She got the results back and it seems as if the bacteria count was still high (which is unusual). Her Dr. would like to take another extensive blood panel to see what is going on. I will keep you all updated when I hear back from Nicole and her doctor.


Nicole’s Resources:

Below are websites that have info about cavitation of the jaws (looks like I’m not the only research lover!):




Caroline’s thoughts

So as you can see….compared to my experience (you can read about it here) Nicole was able to finish up her treatments and  actually benefit from the ozone. After talking some more to Nicole, my severe reactions to the pure ozone may have been because it was too strong. My holistic dentist did not offer UBI so I don’t know how I would actually do with that treatment. I have several thoughts about cavitations myself after doing extensive research.



Tooth body connection

Ever since I picked up this book from my holistic dentist’s, I have been fascinated ever since.

………………………………. Screen Shot 2013-11-11 at 3.54.50 AM

Tooth/body chart (printable)–> click here

Interactive tooth-body chart! (really cool!) –> click here

Many people have “Ah-ha” moments after finding out that their tooth is related to a organ that is weak or congested.


What is a cavitation?

Before I tell you my story I want you to understand a bit more about the cavitations themselves.

A cavitation is a hole in the bone, usually where a tooth has been removed, and the bone has not filled in properly. It is an area of osteonecrosis (dead bone). When a tooth is extracted, in a normal dental procedure, the surrounding periodontal membrane is usually left behind. Theoretically, after a tooth has been pulled, the body eventually fills in the space in the bone where the tooth once was. But when the membrane is left behind, an incomplete healing can take place; a hole or a spongy place remains inside the jaw bone. Experts speculate that this incomplete healing occurs because the bone cells on both sides of the extraction site sense the presence of the periodontal membrane and “think” that the tooth is still there.

-Whole Body Dentistry

My first thought when I started to learn about cavitations was that I had a HUGE hole in my jaw. Im not really sure it is that big, but its big enough to create problems in my body. I have learned over the years that small problems can create big ones regarding your health. I like how Dr. Wilson explains how this little hole can spread into a diseased process.

Cavitations are pockets of debris and infection left behind after tooth extractions, or from other dental procedures.  They become foci of infection, similar to infected root canals.  Bacteria or bacterial toxins move from the cavitation area into the blood stream, where they can easily cause damage to many organs and tissues.

-Dr. Lawrence Wilson



Do you have a cavitaiton? 

You are probably asking yourself… “I got my wisdom teeth out.. so do I have cavitations?”

“Chronic illness CAN stem from the Jaw!”

If your ligament was not removed by a trained dentist or oral surgeon, there is a chance! From my research it seems like those who develop cavitations are those who have had mercury fillings, weak immune systems, or other heavy metal toxicities because their body could not restore that area properly and the bacteria become unbalanced and the bad ones take over and over grow. The symptom list for cavitations is huge! Because every tooth is connected to an organ so basically anything is possible. I’ll list some common symptoms:

-facial pain

-jaw swelling

-digestive problems

-chronic infections

-heart palpitations

-teeth grinding


-arm or back pain

-pinched nerves

-sinus problems

-spacey or “fast” brain


BUT, if I have to narrow it down to just wisdom teeth, here are the organs related to each wisdom tooth.

tooth #16 (left top)

-Duodenum/Jejunum/Ileum (intestines)
-pituitary (endocrine gland)
-central nervous system
-limbic system ( emotion & natural instinct part of brain)
-internal ear
-Muscles (trapezius)

tooth #17 (left bottom)

-Duodenum/Jejunum (small intestine)
-Joints (Ulnar side of shoulder), hand, elbow, plantar side of foot and toes, sacra-iliac (near bottom of spine)
-peripheral nerves
-energy exchange
-middle exterior ear
-muscles (trunk, lower and upper extremities)

tooth #1 (right top)

-Joints (Ulnar side of shoulder), hand, elbow, plantar side of foot and toes, sacra-iliac (near bottom of spine)
-central nervous system
-limbic system
-internal ear
-Muscles (trapezius, trunk, lower and upper extremities)
-maxillary sinuses

tooth #32 (right bottom)

-Terminal Ileum, Duodenum (small intestine)
-Joints (Ulnar side of shoulder), hand, elbow, plantar side of foot and toes, sacra-iliac (near bottom of spine)
-peripheral nerves
-energy exchange
-middle exterior ear
-Muscles (Psoas, trunk, lower and upper extremities)

Please refer to this chart for a visual of teeth-body connection 


Left Behind…

The extraction process that most dentists have learned to do is not ideal for healing of the bone. Read below to understand the “anatomy” of removing the tooth.

Every tooth is connected to its surrounding bone by the periodontal ligament. The tooth receives its nourishment through this ligament. When a tooth is knocked-out (or pulled), this ligament is stretched and splits in half; half stays on the tooth root and half stays on the socket wall.


I like the analogy Dr. Huggins gives. He is one of the best holistic dentists and shares a lot of his research to educate the public on mercury fillings, dental alternatives, cavitations, etc.

When a woman delivers a baby, she must also deliver the afterbirth. When a tooth is delivered, there is an equivalent of the afterbirth. It is called the periodontal ligament.

Dr. Huggins

Like the above passages state, the ligament is simply left in the bone. Instead of the bone filling in the hole with healthy bone cells, the bone where the tooth was extracted starts to get spongy. I have read stories where the dentists go in to preform the cavitation surgery and find that the cavitation spot is “mushy” and the bone can easily scraped out until a hole is visible (source).


Diagnosing cavitations

Apparently my holistic dentist could see in my x-ray that I had 5 cavitations when I went in for my first appointment. I have gotten almost a x-ray every  year at the regular dentist and after my wisdom teeth surgery and neither my conventional dentist nor oral surgeon could see or acknowledge these “shadows”. I don’t blame them however because they never learned to even look for cavitations in the first place. Some dentists have no idea what they even are.

I could see a small shadow in the sockets where my wisdom tooth used to be. He pointed to a 5th site on my x-ray. It was the tooth I had pulled when I had my cap taken off at age 16. This tooth (#20) was starting to get infected because it never fell out (I was born without an adult tooth underneath it). It was simply extracted  (like all teeth are) by my regular dentist at age 16.

I have to back up a little bit. Before this appointment with my holistic dentist (I had not always gone to a holistic dentist), I had traveled all the way to St. Louis to see Dr Yu. If you are curious as to why I did and the details read this. I had read his book Accidental Cure which explains how the body is uniquely and intricately intertwined. A complex health issue needs to be looked at from various angles (like in this case allergies and cavitations in the teeth). I had never thought that my health issues could stem form my teeth or jaw bone.

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No doctor in my area knew exactly what was wrong with me and why my health was quickly going downhill despite all my efforts and alternative therapies. Dr. Yu did EDS (electaldermal screening) which can be explained more in depth here. I like to think of it as electronically measuring the meridians “chi” and organ health. It can also be used to detect infections, parasites, and blockages in the body. By simultaneously  touching my tooth socket and measuring my meridians though my fingers and toes, Dr. Yu discovered I had at least 2 cavitations. He told be to check with my holistic dentist to confirm his discovery. Now, Dr. Yu recommends surgery for all his patients, but I will get into the options for “treating” cavitations below.


What to do now?

That brings up a very debatable topic in the “cavitation world”. What do you do next after you find out you have a cavitation? There a a few options and I think YOU have to look into this topic more if you are thinking your cavitations need some work. Feel free to click on any of the websites I link to  (I used many of these sites to help inform myself on my situation).



You know my opinion on surgery…it’s the last resort. There is a place for everything though, and your situation may require a more immediate treatment like surgery. It”s something you can talk to your holistic dentist about (which you can find the closest one to you here), but in the end it is your decision. (Remember my natural Dr. suggested surgery and I did my research and was comfortable with the decision not to do it and try other things). I’ll give you a bunch of links I found very helpful. Since I did not go this route, I can’t give you my personal experience, so please read about others!








-Repete surgery- 

Because of the virulence of the disease process in the cavitation area, it may be necessary to repeat surgery to completely heal the lesion. –Groton Wellness clinic

Because of this chance of repeat surgery (especially for those with a low immune system and change for re-infection) I decided to opt out of the surgery. Also it is advised you don’t travel very far after the surgery and stay very close by to the dentists or surgeons office. There was no one close by and my multiple chemical sensitivities made it too hard to find a safe hotel.


Ozone / UBI

My experience with Ozone was much Different then Nicole’s. Why? Because our bodies are different and no person is the same. Ozone actually is the smell after a fresh rain fall. Its invigoration and natures “cleanser”. But It can be powerful when directly injected into the body. Ozone’s formula is O3 (3 oxygens). Just for a comparison, food grade hydrogen peroxide like this stuff is actually H202 – 2 hydrogens and 2 oxygens (extra oxygen molecule!). Oxygen is a great antimicrobial and ozone can detox bacteria at a rapid rate. For me it was too much but it for a majority of people, its a reasonable option. Ozone is a great alternatives to treat cavities as well! If you want to learn more about ozone, I would suggest you do some research. Ill get you started with a few links!

*Just remember ever author has their own option, and it all really boils down to your situation!





Nicole talks about UBI above! 


My experience with ozone can be read in my Healing update 7 post.



Can cavitations heal themselves?

And finally we reach the big question; Can cavitations heal themselves? When I first discovered my cavitaitons I went on a research binge (researching for days-and-days). I thought I was left with 2 options, surgery or ozone. At first I was positive that surgery was the option. I had read too many sites and natural dentists saying that ozone is only a temporary fix for cavitations. When I tell you I thought hard about it….I truly thought and prayed HARD. Going into my holistic dentists office I was still sure surgery was the option. After talking to my well educated and experienced dentist, my mind was changed. There was NO way surgery was in the future. Read about my thought process in my health story here.

I was kind of relieved to hear that surgery was not going to happen. #1 I could not settle on any one holistic oral surgeon to preform the surgery. The holistic oral surgeons are pretty limited and there are only a handful of reputable ones in the country. #2 It is strongly recommended that after the surgery you stay close to the clinic you had the surgery done at so they can preform alternative healing methods (like ozone, infrared, homeopathics, cold laser, etc). It is also not good to be driving more then a few miles after surgery. #3 I react VERY badly to anesthetic and am in no health to have surgery done in the first place. I think people underestimate “tooth procedures” when really it still is a trauma to the body. #4 Reinfection is possible and I came across a few testimonies that mentioned they needed to have a second surgery because the first one did not recover the full cavitaiton hole.

I decided to opt for ozone and see how it goes. Apparently my body has a mind of its own and did not want to follow through with the ozone. I believe it was to harsh for my already-toxic body (specifically mercury and bacteria). But you can see in the story above that Nicole is already seeing benefits from the ozone/UBI. Every body is different and I hope this post gives you a glimpse of just that.

            While many conventional dentists don’t consider cavitations a problem, they may be an important cause of ill health.  Anyone who has had dental extractions or procedures and is not feeling well afterwards may have cavitations.  Here are some options if you think this is affecting you:


1. Consider visiting a biological dentist who understands cavitations and knows how to find them, to assess if cavitations remain and deal with them.  However, the problem with cavitation surgery is that it is messy and bloody.  Also, the dentist occasionally damages the trigeminal nerve or another facial nerve, and this can be a disaster.

2.  A perhaps slower, but in other ways much better and less costly option is to embark on a complete nutritional balancing program.  However, be sure to use a near infrared lamp sauna every day – and no other type of sauna.  Use it perhaps twice daily, for 30-40 minutes each session.

My experience is that the nutritional balancing program will slowly bring up old dental infections and cavitations, and heal them in almost all cases.  It may take a few years, but if you are patient this is the best, as this therapy will bring up infections all over the body and heal them as well.  There are many other benefits of nutritional balancing and sauna therapy as well.

Dr Lawrence Wilson



The mercury trap

Inside a cavitation, bacteria flourish and deviant cells multiply. Cavitations act as a breeding ground for bacteria and their toxins. Research has shown these bacterial waste products to be extremely potent and result in osteonecrosis. Cavitations can also cause blockages on the body’s energy meridians and can exert far-reaching impact on the overall system. Investigation has revealed that some cavitations are reservoirs of huge amounts of mercury. Cavitations may be a source of low level or high level stress on the entire body.

 -Whole Body Dentistry



*THE MOST IMPORTANT piece of info in this blog post*



These are Daunderer’s findings, which clarify a statement I have made for years:cavitations4 in the jaw bone are a symptom, not the cause of disease. Daunderer recommends to not close the surgical site, but leave a gauze strip in place. The jaw bone detoxes itself massively through the open wound (he found up to 20,000 ppb of Hg [mercury]  in the gauze after 24 hours).

-Dr. Klinghardt


 Evidence will be presented from the latest research of top German toxicologist Max Daunderer, M.D.2, that the entire jaw bone (upper and lower jaw) has become for most of us a toxic waste dump for the following materials:….read the rest here.

So what does that mean? It means that there is a reason why you have cavitations.. You want to find the root or else you will just keep going in circles around this cavitation thing. Could it be bacteria? Could it be Mercury? Could it be a weak immune system? All of these “roots” can surprisingly be physical, emotional, or spiritual (this could be a whole other post, but I just want to point out that even though Im focusing a lot of the physical part, I have gone through emotional and spiritual healing and I found those equally important for helping my immune system function and detox pathways to start working again (under stress the detox pathways can’t function).


Cavitaitons are a symptom 

Finally the part I have been waiting for. You know by now, I am a reserach-junkie and appreciate backing up my ideas and researching with resources. But now I am going to go off the research grid and dive into my own experiences and instincts. Ready, set, go!

You got a glimpse of my story to discovering and *attempting* treating my cavitations. I went though a lot of research, worrying, testing, trying, and praying to decide my “treatment plan” for my cavitations. I was always asking myself “what-if” and concentrating about “fixing” the root problem. I was ecstatic to find out I had cavitaitons and on the plane ride home form Dr. Yu I decided to pursue this road no matter how hard it was going to be. Little did I know that cavitaiton surgery soon would fall out of the question due to my MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) a.k.a. allergic to the world and not being able to stay in a hotel (there was no holistic oral surgeon/dentist who performed the surgery in my state). I look back and believe this “disadvantage” was a blessing in disguise.

I went ahead and scheduled a appointment with a holistic dentist close by. My dentist found 5 cavitations by looking at my x-ray and using kinesology where as Dr. Yu only found 2 using EDS. After that appointment we decided I would do ozone to get rid of my cavitation. The first appointment went terrible (because I reacted to the anesthetic). The second appointment he still used a very small fraction of the ozone and I reacted terribly too. My whole body swelled up and made my body crash to the point where I was sleeping most the day for 3 months straight.

What happened? To be honest, I don’t exactly know. After that appointment, reality kicked in and my MCS got worse. I have not gone back to my holistic dentist to discuss what happened but I think he knows that I could not follow though due to my reactions to the ozone. He knew from the day he met me that my case is extremely unique and things may not go as planned.

From what I know about ozone, its that it is VERY powerful stuff. Even though it is a natural substance, directly dispensing it out a needle is not necessarily “natural”. Too much of something good can easily become not-so-good for the body. I do believe the ozone treatments could have worked if my body was strong enough or if the toxic load was not already high, but that is not where I am at right now.

The stories my dentist told me about recovery after ozone made me hopeful that I would soon be “one of those people”. God has other plans for me and decided ozone was not the cure for my cavitations at this time. After I came out of my just-want-to-sleep-all-day phase I started to think about. Now what? I had spent months thinking I found the cure to all my issues (allergies, MCS, declining health) and each step was so productive until the actual outcome was not so much.

It was time to reconsider my health once again (I can’t tell you how many times I have done this). I felt slightly discouraged that once again my method of choice was not going to work. I looked back and it was always ME deciding and directing my healing journey. I decided to hand my healing journey over to the One who designed it in the first place. I believe its important to have faith and hope for anyone with a chronic illness.

This is all part of our life’s journey. I’m sure if you are even reading this, you are wondering yourself why you are in the situation you are right now. Hopefully (Nicole and I) gave you some guidance, experience, and knowledge to lead you in the right direction in your health.


What Am I doing now?

After a year of not being able to really get anywhere with my health, Im finally doing better (It’s a Miracle!). Im currently experimenting (or have been for several months) with using essential oils on my jaw and as a mouth rise. I’ll give you a few (at home/DIY) tips below! The best news of all.. These simple tricks are actually working and my energy is up and my jaw is not achy or swollen!


Before I begin explaining what has helped me and my immune system and cavitations, I need to make this clear…

**Disclaimer: Essential oils are not meant to treat, diagnose, or cure any disease or ailment. I [Gutsy] do not provide medical advice. I am simply sharing what has worked for ME and hoping my experiences can provide as research for your own choices. These health benefits have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please seek medical advice if needed and use good judgement when using essential oils. 

Specifically essential oils did not “cure” my cavitations. They are just a tool to help my immune system naturally kick in and then my body will heal. Think of it like some one pushing you on a swing when you were little. After you get momentum, your body takes over and will swing higher and higher until you feel free! The oils will allow your immune system to step up a notch, which we all know is important to maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria (everyone has bacteria, its all about keeping it in balance).


Near infrared sauna

Screen Shot 2014-10-11 at 4.10.25 AM

I also love using my near infrared sauna light bulbs (I have something like this) and sit in front of it (About 18 in away because its the head, you don’t want to overheat the brain) and rotate from my left to right jaw about 10 min each. I can see the swelling go down and it really penetrates the bacteria and reduces inflammation.

Its a very soothing and quick routine. Plus I can use the near infrared lights for over all body and organ health and immune support. I pick a spot , swollen lymph node or organ and shine it 12-24 in away for about 10-20 minutes at a time. You can do this several times a day. If you want to read more about NEAR infrared, click here.



Clay “patch”

Now this may be kind-a strange. But when you get localized pain or swelling on any area (but we are focusing about the jaw here) I would suggest applying a clay-charcoal mixture. Do you remember my clay bath post? It is the best localized detox I know of and the skin is great at releasing toxins. This way you can bypass the elimination organs and give them a break too. It also gives immediate relief (don’t we all like that?!)

Clay has amazing absorbing properties for all sorts of toxins including bacteria.

Activated charcoal is amazing a absorbing heavy metals (most water filters are actually made of some kind of charcoal to bind to metals)

clay charocal(final)

What you will need is:

-a glass ball  jar with a lid (plastic)

high quality clay (I use this for internal and external use)

– activated charcoal ( I use this brand because it is made of hardwood. I find that it is more potent then the activated charcoal derived from coconut)

– filtered water



1. Take 3 Tablespoons of clay and pour in some filtered water (start with a few tablespoons) into the ball jar.

2. Screw on the lid of the jar and shake (I find this is easier then stirring, you can always stir at the end- use a plastic or wood spoon). You want the constancy of yogurt.

3. Add 1 Tablespoon of activated charcoal and put on the lid and shake again. If you stir it, it may fly all over the place and stain (**powdered charcoal is very messy!)

4. Once it is all mixed it should be the consistency of peanut butter (add more clay (to thicken) or water (to thin) to get the right consistency).

5. Take some with your fingers and spread on the area you want to “detox” (so the jaw in this case)

6. I like to put on a thicker layer because I don’t like the feeling of dry clay and Its recommended to leave on for at least 20 minutes.

7. You can store extra in the fridge for a week

** If you do spill the charcoal use soap.


(Easy-Peasy) DIY Thieves mouth wash:

-1 oz filtered water

-1 drop Thieves oil

Shake (I use a small glass ball  jar with a lid) and use it to swish well)

DIY thieves mouth wash (final)


Thieves “achy jaw” spray

I came up with a cool idea that is super simple. When I don’t have a jar and water around, I carry a spray bottle pre-made with thieves oil and water in it. I used the same solution as above. So for this 4 oz spray bottle, I use 4 drops of thieves.

4 oz glass spray bottle

-4 oz filtered water

-4 drops Thieves oil

This recipe is great to carry with you as a mouth freshener or if you have chronically swollen gums or jaw it can be sprayed a few times a day (maybe more at first when the bacteria count is higher). Or you can spray a little on the outside of the lymph nodes or jaw. For me it helped to keep control of tenderness/redness/swelling (which are symptoms of bacteria balance gone wrong!). After a while it seemed like I needed it less and less so it must have worked because my jaw is hardly achy anymore! Yeah Thieves !


spray bottle thives( thieves)final

Thieves oily-rub

This is great to use before bed and is pretty soothing and mild. Mixing essential oils with water can be more penetrating and mixing essential oils with oil is milder.

*tip: If you ever put on an essential oil and it burns, simply rub on some oil (what ever you have on hand) to the spot and it will dilute the oil to stop the burning.

– 4 drops of oil (I like to use olive oil & coconut oil (it has to be in liquid state) but some use almond, apricot, or jojoba oil)

-1 drop of Thieves oil


Oil pulling (with Thieves)

I also like to use a spoonful of coconut oil with a drop of thieves and oil pull for as long as I can! (learn more about oil pulling here). This also clears the sinuses and head and makes me feel AWESOME!

-1 tsp (or more if you like a bigger mouthful) of coconut oil

-1 drop of thieves on your spoon.

Put it on your mouth and swish for as long as you can 5-20 min. Always spit in the toilet and rise with salt water after (the end spit/oil is filled with toxins and bacteria!)

coconut oil thieves final


Other Essential oils to use:

Thieves is a young living blend of : Clove† (Syzygium aromaticum), lemon† (Citrus limon), cinnamon† (Cinnamomum verum), Eucalyptus radiata† and rosemary† (Rosmarinus officinalis CT 1,8 cineol). Boosts immune system so you can finally fight and conquer those trouble areas (aka. Jaws if its cavitations you have)

Oregano oil: Great for supporting the body with immune support (a pretty potent one!)

Clove: A “numbing oil” that can help aid in a healthy gums response discomfort, and local swelling.


healthy mouth and jawn (final)


I *think* Cavitations can heal:

Since I did not follow through with ozone (because of reasons I explained above) I researched other options. I can actually tell a big difference in the swelling around my jaw/lymph nodes and energy overall when I apply thieves oil in any of those forms above.

Overtime I found myself needing less applications of the Thieves oil. Im no scientist but I know how to read my body. My energy started to increase and the swelling (bite marks) inside my left cheek were going down (now gone). This took about 2 months of daily applications in various forms listed above.

Im happy to say that I think my cavitations are “healing” despite others claims that cavitations can’t. A strong immune system, mercury detox, and a healthy bacteria balance are they key points I focused on. Also don’t stress about it! Its one thing to be informed but its another thing to worry and let it control your life. Life is to beautiful to let these things get in the way.


–Mercury & bacteria connection–

I do think that detoxing mercury (which I will talk about in my next post) allowed my body’s immune system to “kick” in and fight these deep rooted infections. Where ever mercury is settled in the body, most likely bacteria, fungus, or viruses are sure to share that space. Its a protective mechanism to try and “clean” up the mercury in that space. So as long as you have mercury you can’t get rid of the bacteria. Same goes with candida, fungal infections, etc.

I would get weeks where the metallic taste was terrible and then some “furry” tongue or bad tastes as the bateria would die off. I had joint paints, muscle aches, fevers, itchy mouth along with the detox because as the bacteria died and my immune system kicked in, my body started to go through healing reactions. Was it hard? Yes! Was it worth it? Yes!

If I went back to the holistic dentist he may still find these cavitations or he may not (but I don’t plan on going into that again anytime soon because I don’t have symptoms anymore). God designed our bodies to heal. He does not want us to be sick, and I think essential oils are truly a gift because they are allowing me to heal!

Of course every body is different and whether you are using ozone, essential oils, infrared sauna, etc. I think Its a good idea to look into options before surgery. If you want to ask more about how Im using essential oils for cavitations you are welcome to join my Facebook Gutsy Essential oils group until I get more info on my blog!


oils rainbow (final)

The mercury connection

Do you want to know what mercury has to do with cavitations.. Stay tuned!! This post is already too long, so I will be continued with my thoughts on the real cause of cavitations next!


~Stay Gutsy, Caroline


disclosure 3

The ultimate liver detox: Coffee enemas

A note from Caroline: “The #1 recommended coffee I use is S.A. Wilsons gold roast (this one). I explain why in the post but I want to clarify it upfront because I get a lot of questions about it! Ok start reading!”

“You stick what where?” Yep I do.  My blog is names “gutsy” for a reason. I am not afraid to do what it takes to heal my body no matter what, no excuses. If you are ready to take full control of your health, then this is the post you have been waiting for!

If you are squeamish of talking about “colons” and “enemas” then I strongly advise you to get over it if you want to be toxic free and healthy. Not only “sick” people need to boost their liver’s detoxifying properties, but everyone should, because we are surrounded by toxins on a daily basis.

You knew this post was coming, so gear up and get ready to learn.

coffee enema

How it all got started.

How did I get into doing coffee enemas? It started when I ventured into the GAPS diet over a year ago. Enemas are strongly recommended on the GAPS diet to make sure all the toxins are being expelled. I was not thrilled about this and actually had no idea what an enema was. I was horrified after reading about the enema process and though “you stick what up your butt?”. I buried the thought way in the back of my brain.

It was not long until I was getting severe die off  from all the detoxing I was doing. I remembered what I read about enemas- specifically coffee enemas and how it can “boost” you liver. I knew that is just what I needed.

I was doing the GAPS diet on my own. You should have seem my family’s faces when I cam home with a bag of bones or when I started eating beef tallow. Complete shock. Lets just say they have all come along way and actually have joined me in my strange ways. How was I ever going to get away with doing an enema if they cant even handle bone broth? I set my fears aside and just went ahead, bought the enema bag, and boiled the coffee.

I started with a water one first and let me tell you I was terrified I was going to tear my colon wall or my stomach was going to rip open from too much water. Neither of those have happened, and I was over exaggerating the process in my head. Words of wisdom to all the newbies- don’t think and just do it.

The worst that happened was I could not hold it more then 1 second (actually I could barley get 1/4 of the bag of water in me). I had stomach cramps and was nauseous for a few minutes (Im sure from 18 years of old junk stuck in that space), but it was over after I expelled the water. This does not happen to me anymore now that my colon is fairly clean.

The coffee enema immediately made the pain in my liver, and all over my body and head, slip away. I felt alive and like all my toxins were flushed down the drain (really!). Why did I not think of coffee enemas before? Ever since then, they are my go-to detox method for toxic symptoms.

I have not had a headache or bad stomach ache in over a year because coffee enemas are the first thing I do, even before I start the herbal teas. My digestion is better, my skin heals faster, and my total toxic load is lower. Coffee enemas are powerful and even reduce my allergic reactions! I cannot travel (yet) but when I do, I know that my coffee enema will be coming along with me.

Is your liver toxic?

In the world we live in, we all could use a little liver detox. There is no getting away from the toxins that people use (even if you don’t) on a daily basis.

  • constipation/bloating/digestive problems
  • bad breath
  • skin problems: Since the liver is overwhelmed with toxins, the skin (detox organ) helps to take over.  Eczema, acne, blemishes, rashes
  • weight loss or unable to gain weight
  • irritable/anger/rage: all connected emotions in TCM
  • brain fog/ poor concentration/ poor memory
  • depression/mood disorders/bi-polar
  • estrogen dominance/hormone problems/PMS
  • slow metabolism
  • allergies/ sensitive to everything (chemicals/pollens/foods)—hmm..sounds familiar!
  • hypoglycemia
  • excess gas
  • coated tongue
  • poor protein absorption
  • galbladder problems/gallstones
  • chronic fatigue
  • high cholesterol and blood pressure
  • frequent colds/ excess mucus/ low immune system
  • fatty liver
  • worsening eye site
  • Itching–I can relate to this one.

Why is the liver so important?

First lets address if you can use a little liver detox- shall we?

  • The liver preforms 500+ functions known in the body!
  • Carbohydrate metabolism: converts carbs to glucose to be used as energy throughout the body and brain.
  • Create (synthesize) amino acids to build proteins with as well as protein metabolism.
  • Secretes bile and bile salts needed to for fat digestion and proper enzyme secretion to break down all foods in the stomach.
  • Metabolize and change toxins so they can be excreted by the body (makes toxins into something less toxic in the body)- DETOX mechanism.
  • Contains special blood cells (Kupffer’s Cells) to kill bacteria and antigens.
  • Keeps blood glucose in balance.
  • liver cells (hepatocytes) break down fatty acids which then generates ATP
  • Synthesizes cholesterol and triglycerides within cells
  • Coverts ammonia (left over from too many amino acids) into urea– which can then excreted by the urine. (Ammonia is much more toxic then urea)
  • Ability to change and process hormones (thyroid convert T4 into active T3, estrogen, and aldosterone).
  • Detoxes drugs, medications, pesticides, dangerous vaccine components, and environmental toxins (we breath, bath, and put on our skin).
  • Stores and releases (when needed) these vitamins: glycogen, vitamin A, D, E, K (fat soluble), vitamin b-12, copper and iron.
  • Along with the skin and kidneys, the liver forms active vitamin D for the body to use.
  • Detoxes and filters everything that comes in the intestines and all your blood (only organ that can do this).

After the liver “deals” with the toxins where do they go?

The liver is able to metabolize or change many toxins so they can be eliminated from the body. Some of them are shunted into the blood stream and then removed by the kidneys.  Others move to the bile, which is the secretion of the liver.  Bile flows to the gall bladder for storage and perhaps more transformation, and then the bile flows into the small intestine and hopefully the toxins are eliminated in the feces.  While this is very brief, it is the basic structure and functional set up of the liver.- Dr. Wilson

To learn how to keep your liver healthy with nutrition read here.

Are you regular?

“GAPS patients (child or adult) should NEVER be left constipated. Constipation is extremely harmful to the body. It is the grounds for all sorts of digestive disorders.” – Dr. Natasha McBride

Second, we have to cover the fact that having normal bowel moments each day is healthy and you NEED to do this. Having regularity allows the body to get rid of all the toxins you eat and are exposed to. Without expelling your waste, the toxins can get stuck in the colon and reabsorbed back into the blood stream. This only will make you more toxic, putting a heavy burden on your liver to filter more.

Our goal is to help the liver detox so the body can start functioning better. There are many things that can stop a body from going regularly to the bathroom. You know if its a problem with your body. Here are my suggestions:

Dr. Wilson writes a good article about constipation here. <–love his articles

  • Diet: Look into what you eat? Is your food too yin (constricting)? Do you eat enough bulk- cooked veggies are more yang.
  • Exercise: Getting the lymph moving is important for moving digestion along as well as detoxing the body.
  • Minerals/water: Make sure the water you drink is hydrating your cells (RO does not do this) and has correct mineral balances. Too much or too little water can be harmful too. I use celtic sea salt each day.
  • Magnesium baths/supplements: Magnesium is helpful in rebuilding the bodies stores as well as hydrating the colon. Be careful with magnesium supplements as they can dehydrate the body and cause loose stools. A good supplement/drink is this one (I use this occasionally). I would favor magnesium baths (I use these bath flakes) and oil over supplements.
  • Toxicity: When the body is toxic in heavy metals or the mineral ratios are off, constipation can follow.
  • Probitoics/fermented foods: The poo is full of bacteria. Probioitcs help keep the colon full of friendly bacteria. A healthier gut means you digest food easier and eliminate better. I use this probiotic.
  • Herbs: (rhubarb root, senna leaf, or Cascara sagrada bark). These herbs are mild laxatives but it is not good to rely on these long term.
  • water enema: This can be done to help relive constipation but also to clean the colon before you do a coffee enema. A pinch of sea salt can be added fore extra minerals
  • Bile: It is important to have sufficient bile flow for a clean colon. If you liver is sluggish/toxic, your diet is too low fat, or you are constipated then I would suggest looking into ox bile supplements. I find that this brand is free of additives and does its job.

**Keep this in mind: Dr. Gerson says : “Patients have to know that the coffee enemas are not given for the function of the intestines but for the stimulation of the liver.”

Basics: What is a coffee enema?

Before I get into the nitty gritty details let me explain what a coffee enema really is. A coffee enema is special because it does not just detox the colon, but the liver too! The colon and the liver are connected (I explain how below in “how does it (exactly) work to detox?”). To get the big picture of where you are “putting” the coffee, look at this Anatomy picture of the colon.

Technically, the coffee enema is a coffee implant and a retention enema.  This means that one implants or applies the coffee herb into the colon, and the procedure is to retain the coffee mixture for 15-20 minutes. A coffee enema is an ancient herbal hydrotherapy procedure.  It consists of filling an enema bag or bucket with a mixture of about 2 to 4 cups of filtered or distilled water, and ¼ to 2 tablespoons of coffee that has been boiled or percolated for up to 12 minutes or so.  One filters the coffee grounds before putting the liquid in the enema bag.  One then places this mixture in the colon and retains it for about 15 minutes.  At this time, the liquid is expelled into the toilet. -Dr wilson

Yeah so you basically are sticking coffee up your colon. This may seem harsh and gross, but actually it has been used for many years and has been proven to be one of the most therapeutic liver detoxifiers. The Gerson Institute heals cancer patients and you are actually required to do coffee enemas as part of your treatment. Its that powerful.

The worst part if getting over your “enema fears”. I will help you through those in a section below (“yikes…enema fears”). Water enemas have been used for hundreds and thousands of years and was once well known and accepted as a way to rid the body of illness and toxins. Don’t let society rumors stop you from this amazing therapy–I sure don’t.

How does it (exactly) work to detox?

You are probably wondering how the coffee gets into your liver!? I wondered this too at first and decided to find out why. Here is what I found.

The very last part of the colon, before reaching the rectum, is in an “S” shape and called the sigmoid colon. By the time stool gets to this part of the colon, most nutrients have been absorbed back into the bloodstream. Because the stool contains products of putrefaction at this point, there exists a special circulatory system between the sigmoid colon and the liver. There is a direct communication of veins called the enterohepatic circulation. This circulatory system enables toxin to be sent directly to the liver for detoxification, rather than circulating them through the rest of the body and all of its vital organs including the brain. This system of veins carries rectal / sigmoid toxins directly to the liver for detoxification. When a coffee enema is used, the caffeine from the coffee is preferentially absorbed into this system and goes directly to the liver where it becomes a very strong detoxicant. It causes the liver to produce more bile (which contains processed toxins) and moves bile out toward the small intestine for elimination. This seems to free up the liver to process more incoming toxic materials that have accumulated in the organs, tissues and bloodstream. The coffee contains some alkaloids that also stimulate the production of glutathione-S-transferase, an enzyme used by the liver to make the detox pathways run. It is pivotal in the formation of more glutathione, one of the main conjugation chemicals, enabling toxins to be eliminated via bile into the small intestine. So in other words, a coffee enema speeds up the detoxification process and minimizes the backlog of yet to be detoxified substances.

What about bile?:

Here is what this handy article has to say about our bile:

  • Coffee enemas prevents the resorption of bile and the toxins contained in expelled bile.
  • The body recycles bile up to 10 times, reabsorbing bile and bile salts through the intestinal walls. It is one of the ways the body conserves its resources.
  • Bile carries toxins out of the liver through the gallbladder. Because bile is reused, a large portion of the toxins tends to be reabsorbed along with the bile.
  • Choloretic (bile flow stimulating) herbs like dandelion, milk thistle and oregon grape can help increase bile flow and benefit fat digestion. HOWEVER, they do NOT keep bile, bile salts, and toxins carried in the bile from re-toxifying your body.
  • Just stimulating bile flow with herbs will not quickly detoxify the body. But coffee enema WILL!
  • Coffee enema activates and intensifies certain enzyme systems that ensure that around 98% of toxins in released bile will be safely carried out of your body!
  • It does not allow the liver to reabsorb toxic bile through the permeable walls of the gut. Therefore, it is the most effective means of utilizing natural enzyme systems of the liver and small intestine to detoxify the blood stream.

Gallbladder “squirt”!

If you have the right amount of coffee you will hear your gallbladder “squirt” (or gurgle). Sometimes people don’t hear it squirt- but if you do, that is a good indication you have put enough coffee in. You can always try and add more coffee (1/2 tbsp at a time) to make it release the bile, but monitor other symptoms so you don’t get over stimulated.

If you do end up using too much coffee, I suggest doing a water enema to flush the excess coffee. If the gallbladder is weak or clogged give it a week or 2 to get the “squirt” im talking about. Though mine was more like a rumble feeling.


Different from drinking coffee:

The intestine has two circulatory systems attached to it.  One system supplies the intestines with blood for maintenance of the intestinal tissues.  The other system is called the portal system.  It is a critical body system that draws all of the absorbed nutrients from the intestines and sends them directly to the liver. In other words, when you eat food, it does not go into the bloodstream, as everyone thinks. Only a tiny part of it does, which is the nutrients that are absorbed in the mouth, esophagus and stomach.  All the rest of the nutrients go into the portal system and go to the liver, not the general bloodstream.  Here, the nutrients are further processed by the liver before entering the main blood stream. So when coffee is introduced into the colon, it is absorbed directly into the liver through the colon wall.  Coffee has a special affinity for the liver, and moving it there from the colon is very different than sending it to the liver by drinking it.  When coffee is ingested by mouth, it is digested by the stomach acids, mainly, and most of its herbal medicine properties are destroyed. Coffee taken by mouth is okay as a stimulant, laxative, and perhaps a smooth muscle relaxant. One cup of regular coffee daily is okay for most people, but not highly recommended, and more is harmful.- Dr Wilson


The benefits of coffee enemas may surprise you. It has not only a powerful effect on the liver and colon but the whole body. You will only know how healthy your body can feel after if you try it.

  • Cleans out the colon and helps improve function in colon muscles.
  • Eliminates parasites: it flushes out old debris and bugs from the colon as well as flushing out the ones you may be killing off with herbs.
  • Detoxes the liver and helps repair it.
  • Increases glutathione S-transferase (GST) in the liver (aka master detoxifier) by 700%. This enzyme binds with toxins and then the toxins are flushed out through the colon.
  • Boosts energy: Allowing the coffee to absorb into the bloodstream directly stimulates the gallbladder to flush out toxins. Toxins are known to decrease oxygen transfer and “clog” up the blood with harmful substances. Allowing the blood and oxygen to flow free and clean in the body gives a person a bit more energy. -don’t let the coffee “sit-inside-of-you too long or the caffeine may give you a buzz (not the kind of energy you want).
  • Improves digestion: Giving the liver a boost by detoxing it can help gas, bloating, and digestion issues because it is addressing the liver and gallbladder (produces bile to help digestion) which are both crucial to the digestive process.
  • “squirts” the gallbladder: The coffee may stimulate bile flow, which is needed to digest fats and kill harmful bacterias. After a few coffee enemas you may hear a squirt near the middle-right ribcage.
  • Mental clarity and mood: A coffee enema increases detoxification which speeds up the duplication of red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen so there ends up being an increase (healthy amount) in the body- and brain! When there is enough oxygen in the brain you will think better. Good bye brain-fog!
  • Eases “die off”: When you are detoxing with herbs/sauna/ baths then your body and liver can easily get full of toxins. A coffee enema will not only help your liver function better but it will also keep the toxins from reabsorbing or recirculation and doing more damage. This helps speed up a healing reaction. I also find it works to speed up a cold /flu.
  • Reduces toxic load in the body: edema, headache, joint pain, disease, illness  are all common symptoms of a “toxic body”.
  • Migraines/headache: Usually a sign of blood vessels constricting. My headache cures are magnesium baths and coffee enemas. The coffee helps to dilate blood vessels while removing harmful toxins that can be the cause of the inflammation or headache in the first place.
  • Purifies blood: Kahweol and cafestol pulminate (found in coffee) stimulate glutiothione-S-transferase (GST). GST is a enzyme system in the liver that captures toxins in the bloodstream. The bound toxins are then flushed out with the enema. Every 3 minutes, all the blood in the body passes through the liver. This process leaves the blood clean and less toxic.
  • Prevents and heals chronic illness: Many times illness arises when the body has too many toxins and tried to cope. Regularly detoxing the liver helps the body function better so it can prevent or help the body heal from an illness.
  • makes the body more yangDr Wilson explains that your body become yin when you are sick and plagued with toxins. Your should strive to make your body more yang with cooked veggies, saunas, and coffee enemas.
  • Clears complexion: Because a coffee enema purifies the blood, more nutrients are available to nourish your skin. In TCM the liver and skin are closely connected so when your liver is overburdened with toxins the skin will show it.
  • Tones colon wall: The theophylline in coffee absorbs through the colon wall which dilates the blood vessels & increases blood supply to the colon. Increased blood improves colon muscle tone and health. Toxins that were stuck to the colon wall are now being flushed out so the colon has a chance to work free of toxic “sludge”.

Colon reflex points:

I am SO excited I found this. During my first colonic I remember staring at a chart like this and was mesmerized. I was asking way to many questions to the colon hyro-therapist (what a way to break the awkwardness-right?) as to what happens when that point gets “hit” by water. She explained that once the toxic materials attached to that part of the colon are released (which can take many enemas or colonics) that corresponding organ can work better, much like acupuncture opens up meridians. Cool right?

Who should do one?

Anyone with a toxic liver can benefit from coffee enemas. We are all exposed to too many toxins daily so it is a good practice for most people to look into. Dr. Nicholas Gonzales tells us, “Regular use of coffee enemas help you eliminate a lifetime of toxins in only a year or two”. Plastics and heavy metals have a long life in our bodies (much longer then 2 years) and are stubborn, so coffee enemas are a hopeful and effective treatment for people who are plagued with illness, caused by toxins .

If you are detoxing your body with your diet such as juicing, GAPS, elimination diet, supplements, etc. then this is especially a good time to pull out the coffee pot. The reason is because you are nourishing your cells, and as you do this, they start to dump out the junk. This dumping out of toxins is also called “die-off”.

Coffee enemas not only clean the colon but they help the liver to function better so you don’t get “detox symptoms” from whatever changes you are making. It is a requirement for people doing the Gerson Therapy. It is highly recommended if you are on the GAPS diet. For anyone who suffers allergies or chronic health conditions, coffee enemas will be a big relief!

Caution: (if you are questioning doing a coffee enema because of a serious health conditions- ask your doctor)

Before you start something it is always best to find a few sources. Each condition is different and you need to make the best decision for your body. Here are some precautions I would say don’t do an enema or at least work with a practitioner to monitor you.

  • Extreme toxicity (heavy metal exposure)-detoxing can be dangerous for some people.
  • Inflamed colon/bowel-(colitis & IBS)
  • Allergic to coffee
  • Young children- wait until the child can handle the effects of the caffeine in the coffee. (water ones are ok though)
  • Pregnant: not normally recommended because there are risks involved, but Dr. Wilson says they are fine. A water one would be safer.


**stainless steal and other metal pots leach metals into the coffee liquid as you boil it, because it is acidic. If you have the budget it may be worth checking out these glass stock pots, I love mine! You don’t want heavy metals in your enema coffee. Because the coffee is not going to be boiling in the enema bucket, I find that stainless steel is still much safer then latex or plastic buckets (it is a quick flow from the bucket into your colon and you are not boiling the coffee). Stainless steel degrades slower then plastic and latex.

What kind of enema bucket?

Just like everything else you are using, it is important to get a non-toxic enema bucket and tubing. Now I am guilty of buying the latex red enema bag you see in the picture. I was new at it and I did not want to go make a big deal about it and buy a fancy enema bucket! ha. I wish I would have known to just buy a good one in the first place. Regular enema bags or even some plastic buckets are filled with toxic latex, vinyl, PVC or plastic. Yuck, hopefully I did not do too much extra harm to my body. These materials have cancer causing elements that leach out from acid.

Coffee is very acidic and can pull these toxins out…and you dont want that in your body. I know you may think the coffee is just flowing through, but after you do it over and over agin the materials wear away and are more likely to leach more. I would suggest buying a stainless steel one (I like this one), which is going to be stronger/durable then plastic or latex.

If you budget is tight then buy a BPA free plastic one. The buckets are far easier to clean and are made for frequent enema use. You get to choose your bucket size. You can get a harness to hang the bucket too. Personalizing your enema routine sounds silly but can help reduce your toxic load even more.

enema coffee

Coffee enema recipe:

  1. Measure out your coffee ( I buy pre-ground coffee) and water and pour into your tea pot. 
  2. Bring to a boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Cover and simmer for 15 more minutes (The 15 minute cooking is suppose to help the coffee become more yang and leach all the important detoxifying nutrients out. Sick people/illness tends to be yin and doing a coffee enema with yang coffee helps to balance things out in the body)
  4. Remove from heat and let cool for a few minutes. (don’t put hot glass on col surface or under cold water- it will shatter).
  5. Pour coffee carefully (so the granules don’t  fall in with the liquid) or use a fine mesh strainer into a ball jar. (I personally don’t use a strainer- but it is helpful because the grains can “clog” up the hose). *dont use a paper cloth to filter because then you loose a lot of the prime elements (cafestol) in the coffee.
  6. Fill up the rest of the ball jar with 1 1/2- 3 1/2 cups of water (im guessing the coffee liquid reduced some). You can use as little as 2 cups of liquid or as much as a quart (4 cups).
  7. Now you can use in your enema bucket.

* it may be easier to make the coffee recipe doubled or tripled so you have it already made for the next ones. I store extra coffee in the refrigerator.

What type of water?

Water quality is important-as always. I would suggest using filtered water. I use this Berkley filter.

City water is filled with chlorine and fluoride which is linked to hardening of arteries, cancer and thyroid disease. Do not use bottled water stored in plastic (it leaches BPA). Even well water can pick up toxic heavy metals from plumbing.

Just because you are not drinking the  tap water does not mean it is ok to use in other ways. The water form the coffee enema gets absorbed into the colon and is filtered though the kidneys. Using clean water eliminates stress on the kidneys.

What kind of coffee?

I personally use this Certified organic enema coffee. It is un roasted and specifically designed (7 types of beans blended) for enema use. I like this kind because when they created the blend they had enemas in mind. It contains 48% higher caffeine and  87% higher palmitic Acid the regular coffee. It is the choice enema coffee for the Gerson protocol, Dr. William D. Kelley’s Protocol, certain hospitals and many holistic practitioners.

I buy the pre ground enema coffee because they say it is very very hard to grind un roasted coffee beans on your own (they are much harder). They did testing and found that the pre ground does not loose any of its elements. Store the coffee in a dry, cool, and dark place to retain freshness.

It is always important to buy organic coffee. Normal organic coffee that you can buy at the store is ok to use too. A light roast is recommended because it has higher caffeine levels (which are needed to dilate veins to liver). Non-organic coffee defets the purpose of doing a coffee enema. You are trying to help your body get rid of toxins and non organic coffee is full of pesticides then I don’t see the point.

S.A. Wilsons has the best price if you order in bulk directly from the website, but if you are in need of a bag asap you can also find it on Amazon here.

How much coffee?

You can use 1/2 tsp or 4 Tbsp or somewhere in between (per enema or quart of water-typical coffee enema size). I know this is a very wide range.

Children and caffeine sensitve people will need to start low. You will evenually build tolerance up. Too little coffee is not beneficial but too much will give you the coffee buzz. You know when you have the right amount when you can hold it for 15 and feel good, alert, and your mental clarity increases.

You will notice your sensitivity to the amount of coffee may decrease after time. The coffee enema may not give you the same results from using 1/2 tsp like it did the first time. Then it is time to move up the dosage! Increase by 1 tsp or 1/2 tbsp at a time (I increased by 1/2 tbsp  every 4-8 days). Stop at 4 Tbsp per enema–this amount is quite strong, especially if you are using the special enema coffee.

coffee 43

How to do a coffee enema?

Here is a good tutorial video on “how to do a coffee enema”— don’t worry it is G rated 🙂

1. Make coffee: Use the “coffee recipe” above.

2. Set up: Pick a place to do the enema (preferably close to the toilet)–the bathroom. Set up a comfy spot. Lay down a few towels and find a spot to hang or set the enema bucket 18 inches or lower from the floor.

3. Lubrication: Use a small bit of coconut or olive oil on the end of the enema tip. You can also apply some on your bottom to help the tip slide in better.

4. Fill the bucket: Fill your enema bucket with the coffee liquid. Make sure the hose is securely connected. Double check to make sure it is a good temperature.

5. Clear the air bubbles: Release the clamp so the coffee flows to the end of the tip, then close the clamp. This releases all the trapped air in the tubbing. I suggest doing this over the toilet or bath tub incase it drips.

6. Get in position:

  • The easiest way is to lie on your back (with your knees bent)- I prefer this “pose”.
  • Another way is to lie on your left side (while the enema flows in) and roll to your right side after it is in, while you retain for 15 min. This roll from left to right helps the liquid get higher up into the colon as well as helping you release it easier.
  • You can also take the enema bent over on your knees. This is a easy method if you are giving one to a child.

*Wearing a bathrobe it helpful for easy access.

7. Insert the nozzle: Gently inset the plastic enema tip into your rectum. Do not push too hard but enough that when you release the liquid it does not squirt out.

Because of the shapes and formations of some people’s colons or of course if a child is being given the enema, it will be possible to insert the tube only a few inches. Occasionally, this is a permanent situation. Often, however, as the colon is cleaned and healed, the tube can eventually be inserted further.

8. Release clamp: Snap the clamp open and let the coffee liquid flow in. You can stop the clamp as often as you would like and is recommended so the colon slowly gets used to liquid coming in. You may have a feeling of warm liquid gurgling into your lower abdomen area (colon). The goal is to get the whole amount in, so there is no rush, the slower you go the easier it is for you to hold it.

** What if I cant fit all that liquid in before I have to go?.

If you can only get like 1/4 of the enema bag in until you get the urge to go, don’t hold it. It is sometimes easier to get the whole amount of coffee liquid if you

  1.  Have a natural bowel moment before hand
  2. Do a water enema before.

I prefer to use the methods I just listed instead of using up the coffee to make a bowel movement the first time around- then you have to make more coffee. I find it much easier to hold the coffee enema after I have emptied my bowel. Remember a coffee enema is not about releasing lots of “bulk” but instead releasing toxins.

9. Remove nozzle: Once all the liquid is in, slowly remove the nozzle. If you feel an urge to release after you remove the nozzle, maybe you should try keeping the nozzle it in next time around.

10. Hold the enema: The goal is to hold the enema for 15-20 minutes. Look at “what if I can’t hold it” in the section below for tips.

11. Wait 15 min: While you retain the enema for 15 minutes stay laying or sitting down. Many people say stay lying on your right side so gravity help the coffee go to your liver. I find that laying on your back is more comfortable and just as effective. I have also stayed sitting too. Do what ever you need to do to keep the enema in.

It is advised not to go stand up and walk around with the enema in you. (if the doorbell rings- don’t answer it!). Meditate/pray, read a book or bring along your ipad to keep yourself occupied. Make sure you keep tack of the time or set an alarm.  If you think you can do 20 minutes- go for it. It is not necessary to go beyond 30 minutes and actually it can absorb too much and will make you jittery (form the caffeine) or you will have a harder time expelling it. Listen to your natural urge to go.

*its usually within this 15-20 min that the gallbladder with “squirt”.

12. Expel enema: After the 15-20 is up, quickly make your way to the toilet (without leaking) and expel the liquid. It may smell bad and that is because the toxins are being released.

  • Use a stool or squatty potty to get the right form to help your body expel to its potential.
  • Use acupressure points to help your body release and relax. These points can also help relieve any cramping or nausea that may some with this step. Pressing below the belly button can also help relax the muscles.
  • Give your body time! Do not rush this process because it an result in a major urge later on when you are not prepared (trust me I know!). Sometimes it can take over 10 minutes to fully expel the liquid and “stuff”, especially if you reached higher up into the colon.
  • Stay home for 1 hour: You may get an urge to release more “stuff” even up to an hour after the enema. This is because after being up and walking around the intestines get a little “exercise” and the matter that packed to the colon wall gets hydrated and released. After you get used to enemas you will know your time frame and it may decrease as your muscles get more tone.
  • Don’t forget to breath!

13. Clean the bucket: Don’t forget to clean your enema bucket! Rinse with food grade hydrogen peroxide (I use this one) and water a few times. Let this liquid flow through the tubbing too. You may have to scrub the bucket form time to time to prevent any “coffee scum” from forming.

14. 2-in-a-row: Taking 2 coffee enemas in a row is even more powerful then one. Im not sure exactly what the “science” is behind it but I can just guess it speeds the detoxification process. It also helps the matter that get hydrated and “loosened” form the colon wall to be expelled.

Sometimes after 1 coffee enema I feel worse and that is because accumulated waste that was stuck to the colon wall for months, maybe years is now being released. Most likely, that accumulated waste contains toxins and when toxins are released it is natural to get detox symptoms. Also, after a reaction I have learned that taking 2 in a row makes a big difference to relieve the “drunk” feeling  or “brain fog”.

15. After the enema: I you feel weak after the enema, replenish electrolytes by drinking bone broth, fresh vegetable juice, or sea salt on food. If you feel sick form detox- do another enema (up to 3).

You are free to do what ever your day bring- exercise,going to the park, baking, school, work, etc. Don’t forget to leave up to 1 hour after the enema just incase you body decided to release more. I found that after a few weeks of doing enemas regularly I did not have to wait the full hour because my colon got better at expelling all in one sweep.

What time of day?

I find it quite fascinating that my body naturally like enemas after I eat and before bed. I find I wake up easier and with more energy. I do not get stimulated by caffeine as easily as some people, but I still have to be careful to use less at night. I have better focus and am more relaxed after a coffee enema. Toxins can disrupt all systems on the body including the brain.

The most desired time to take the enema is after a meal. The stimulation of bile will aid in the digestive process. Taking an enema before a meal may cause discomfort. After dinner is a good time for those with poor digestion and constipation. The enema will empty the bowels before bed and improve liver detoxification throughout the night. The caffeine in the coffee enema does not get absorbed into the bloodstream and will not keep you awake at night. However, if you have a sensitive body type (easily stimulated) you may need to do the enemas early in the day, and use less coffee. It is possible to be stimulated if you do not release all of the coffee enema (which is typically normal).

How long do I hold it?

You hold the coffee in your colon for 15 minutes (you can go up to 30). WHAT!? ….im guessing if you are a “newbie” that is what your reaction is. Don’t let the time frame scare you out of your pants! Practice makes for an easier time. When you practice holding then enema for “1 more minute” then eventually you will reach the 15 minute goal.

Clearing your colon first with a water enema can dramatically make a difference and can help you hold it the full way. This is important for many reasons. This amount of time is needed for 3 rounds of blood travels to portal vein. You want to maximize the amount of nutrients, antioxidants, alkaloids, and flavanoids found in the coffee. These nutrients activate the glutathione, so the 15 minutes is important to get the GST levels to high levels.

Scientific research shows that two forms of palmitic acid contained in coffee (cafestol palmitate and kahweol palmitate) activate glutathione s-transferase (GST). This enzyme is one of THE most powerful body detoxifiers. GST binds these destructive poisons with reduced glutathione (an amino acid that is a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier), so they can’t escape, and escorts them safely out of the body. The coffee itself is also eliminated.

If you are a beginner then you can probably hold it for maybe a minute or two until you get the urge to “go!” Don’t hold it. You have more toxins and less practice then someone who does one everyday. I say try again (right away if you want) to see if you released enough to make it easier to hold it longer. The body is very good at adjusting, just give it some time.

enema 445

Where do I do it?

I suggest doing enemas in the bathroom. This is most common place for anything to do with #2 don’t you think? Lay down a yoga mat covered with towels or just layer some towels on the floor for cushion. I like to dedicate a big or beach towel (mainly because they are bigger) for enemas. Think about making a little “bed” for you to rest on while you hold the enema.

Make sure you have a place to hang or set the enema bucket on that is 18 inches or less from the floor. A towel rack works great. Bring in a book or iPad/iphone to distract yourself while you hold the enema. Make sure you set up your “enema station” before you get the enema in you. You don’t want to be up and walking around before its time to come out.

Its pretty simple- just make yourself comfortable. You also want to make sure you are close to the toilet. Oh and lock the door :).

What if I cant hold it?

Here are some tips and tricks to help you hold the enema for 15 minutes:

  • Increase retention time slowly: start with 5 minutes- work your way up to the desired 15 minutes (you can go up to 30). Its not a competition.
  • Try emptying your bowels before the coffee enema or do a water enema before hand.
  • Water temp: The water may be too hot or too cold, make sure it is room temp so you don’t shock your colon.
  • Do deep breathing (belly breathing). Relax and meditate.
  • Make sure bucket is 18 inches or less above the body- if it is too high the coffee will flow too fast.
  • Change positions: (back or right side) or pull your knees close to your stomach.
  • Pressure points: Press your thumb against the first knuckle on your ring finger: pressure point that helps cramping and gas.
  • Try abdominal massagelearn how to here (also good at helping release coffee)
  • Use less coffee liquid: It is recommended you use 2-4 cups of total liquid (adult size body). If you still cannot hold this try decreasing it just a little bit to see if it helps.
  • Elevate your pelvis: Roll up a towel to place under neath your pelvis so gravity helps keep the enema retained. This can also help the coffee flow in better.
  • While inserting the coffee, clamp the hose frequently.
  • Be patient, it will get easier.

Enema’s for kids:

Coffee enemas are not recommended for young kids. I would wait until they are old enough to retain the coffee. In the meantime you can do water enemas, salt water enemas, herbal tea enemas (camomile is recommended), and probiotic enemas. Many of these recipes are found in the GAPS book as well as online.

Benefits for kids: Water/herb/probitoic enemas are great at relieving constipation for little ones (they should have 1+ bowel movements a day). They are good at flushing out toxins from the colon wall as well as toxins circulating from allergic reactions or die off. Enemas can help reduce build up in the colon wall from a young age. They also help tone the muscles in the colon wall and can help future bowel movements.

Make enema’s “normal”: If you make enemas seem “normal” and do not surround the idea of taking one with social norms (gross, unsanitary, etc) then your kids will grow up thinking it is normal and healthy. I have heard stories of children actually telling their parents they “need an enema”. Kids are very intuitive and will only use enemas as needed.

Calm the kid: If you see your kids getting die off, bad behavior, rashes, allergic reactions it may be a good time for an enema. The bowel has a direct connection to the brain so cleaning out the toxins can have an immediate effect on behaviors and a sympathetic (fight or flight) state.

Smaller colons: Remember though, that kids have smaller colons so they require less liquid. Of course use your judgements if you kid is smaller, use less. If you kid is bigger, use more.

  • 0-2 years old: 1-3 Tbsp (use a baby enema bulk syringe)–directions here.
  • 2-6 years old: 1/4 -1/2 cup.
  • 6-12 years old: 1 cup – 1 1/2 cups
  • 13 + use regular instructions listed above (adult size).

Dr Natasha Campbell McBride has the best tips for giving enemas to kids. She uses them in the GAPS protocol for healing the gut and eliminating toxins in both young children and adults. Here are some of her tips (taken from  the GAPS book):

  • Make sure a child has an adult helper.
  • Make the procedure as comfortable as possible.
  • Try and distract the child with pleasant games, songs, iPad, stickers (anything that keeps them focused and allows them to connect the experience with happy memories).
  • Make a soft bed with towels under the enema bucket and close to the potty/toilet.
  • Your child may not get the full amount of water in- but you want to work up to it because that is when the best “internal cleaning” will be done.
  • The longer the water remain inside your child- the better the cleansing.
  • After a few enemas the child may be able to retain the full amount.
  • Never push anything on a child- let them tell you what is enough for their body.
  • “GAPS patients (child or adult) should NEVER be left constipated. Constipation is extremely harmful to the body. It is the grounds for all sorts of digestive disorders.” – Dr. Natasha McBride
  • Always try to find out what is the root cause your child’s constipation. Diet, lack of water, lack of probitoics, etc.

With babies I recommend to use enemas only for constipation and use only water. In children from around 2.5 – 3 years of age we can start adding kefir, whey, salt and bicarbonate of soda. The first enema with the child is crucial to make the child comfortable with the procedure. If the first enema went well, the child will be happy to have enemas regularly for years to come. I know hundreds of families who are doing enemas with their children. Children have no pre-conceived ideas about enemas, so there is no ‘psychological aspect’ for them. Pre-conceived ideas come from adults, and they should be careful not to pass their prejudices to the child.- Dr. Natasha McBride

child enema positions:

  • laying on his/her stomach with his knees pulled under him/her
  • laying across your lap (butt up)
  • With legs up (like you are going to change a diaper)
  • On their right with knees bent towards chest: staying on the right is easier then explaining they have to roll from left-to-right.

Child enema instructions: (ages 2-12 ) or until they don’t want their “mommy” doing it for them

  1. Give your child some liquid and nourishing food (just a snack to keep blood pressure stable).
  2. Have your child get in position (see child enema positions above).
  3. Fill enema bucket with liquid. Make sure the liquid is a good temperature.
  4. Keep the bucket 2 feet away from the child’s bottom.
  5. Insert the nozzle about 1-2 cm deep. Do not push the nozzle- just deep enough for the liquid to flow in.
  6. Release the clamp and go SLOW so your child does not cramp. Clamp frequently.
  7. When the liquid is gone, remove the nozzle.
  8. Have your child lay on their right side or on their back for as long as they can.
  9. Let your child tell you when he/she has the urge to go to the bathroom (from 1-10 minutes). encourage them to hold it for 5 minutes. Holding the enema will get easier after a few.
  10. Let them release the enema on the toilet. This may be uncomfortable as they release toxins, so bring a book for them to read. Allow as much time as they need to release the liquid.
  11. Disinfect the enema bucket with food grade hydrogen peroxide.

Caffeine sensitive (detox pathways):

I learn something new each day. Did you know that caffeine sensitivity actually indicates your phase 1 liver detox pathway is not functioning like it should?

If you are quite sensitive to caffeine, then your liver is not working properly. By sensitive I mean, if you take a few sips of coffee, you get a pretty significant buzz. You know if you’re sensitive or not because it does not make you feel good.

If you are caffeine sensitive, you have a sluggish phase 1 liver detoxification pathway.

Also, it is important to reduce eating things which reduce your phase 1 liver detoxification system. These are foods like:
sugar, grapefruit, quercetin, onions, curcumin.

Candida also reduces phase 1 liver detoxification due to the sheer overwhelming production of toxic acetylaldehyde being produced all the time. It is important to eradicate the yeast using probiotics and natural anti fungals.

There are medications which reduce phase 1 detoxification. Some of these phase 1 inhibiting medications are stomach acid blockers, antihistamines, antifungals, and some antidepressants. Of course, you cannot stop these medications without your doctor allowing you to do so.

Tips to improve your detox 1 pathway:

  • eat foods rich in b vitamins or take a b vitamin supplement (don’t take supplement close to bed time)
  • Take a whole food vitamin C supplement (camu camu powder)
  • Drink enough water (not too much) that has minerals in it for your cells to use.
  • Eat organic foods to nourish your body and lessen the toxic  burden.
  • Exercise and move your lymph.
  • Take coffee enemas!: Start with small amount of coffee and gradually build as pathway 1 gets un-clogged and you are able to tolerate more.

To read more about your detox 1 and detox 2 pathways and how coffee enemas help in each step read here. To get a quick summary of detox phase 1 and phase 2 and their functions click here.


If you are anything like me, you will want to know how long enemas have been around for. When I first questioned “are they really safe” back when I was a scardy-cat, I turned to google to see if it was a procedure worth passing down in history.

To my surprise I was astonished to see enemas may have started as early as 1500 B.C!!  I then knew that if enemas were used way back then and are still used today (despite what people say and think), there has got to be something behind this “ancient practice”. Dont you think? That is all it took to get me started in my enema research and soon I was taking them myself to relieve symptoms and heal my body.

My second thought was, what did they use? It not like they had rubber bags or stainless steel buckets to hose the liquid into them. I found out they used animal bladders and hollow bones…umm I think I prefer using my enema bucket! ha. Read up on some more history here. (enema timeline)

It looks like the Egyptians knew what they were doing!

In earlier days, as early as 1500 B.C, an Egyptian, Ebers Papyrus has mentioned it. Some time around this period an Egyptian king also had a doctor, who was responsible for all enema related medical treatments. Even Greeks have written about the Egyptians cleanliness with use of enemas.

Facts have shown that in ancient times, enema was very much in the routine for some serious problems too. The Egyptians believed that all diseases were caused by superfluities of the food, which now most people believe to be true.

Did you know there was a time in history when enemas were actually popular…almost little too popular!

The 17th Century became known as the “age of the enema”, or the “age of clysters”. It was an acceptable practice in Parisian society to enjoy as many as three or four enemas a day, the belief being that an internal washing or “lavement” was essential to well-being. It is recorded that King Louis XIII had more than 200 enemas in one year.

The history of COFEEE enemas is actually fairly newer, and was not intentionally discovered.

The interesting thing that goes all the way back to World War I, at that time Germany was surrounded by the Allies and it was very difficult to get some of the tropical materials. Some of the things that we needed and yet all the time there were soldier being shot and having wounds and having to be attended by doctors and they needed painkillers and it was very difficult to get even a little bit so that during surgeries, the doctor had something to give the soldiers but when they got past the surgery and woke up in pain, there was nothing left. It had to go for the next patients and sometimes, the doctors even ordered water enemas but the nurses who were taking care of these young boys who were injured and had to have surgery and were in pain, they didn’t know what to do for them but there was always coffee available for the doctors because they often had to work 18 hours, 24 hours, 28 and 30 or more hours and they were kept awake by coffee but occasionally there was coffee leftover and the nurses thought “Well, the coffee is doing the doctors good, maybe it will help the patients.” So they poured some coffee into the enema buckets and the patients reported that it helped relieve their pain. -Dr. Gerson

After that “accident” the word got around and doctors/researchers at the university in Germany did some research and studies. They were amazed to find the caffeine was absorbed though the portal system to the bile, which caused the liver ducts to open and then release accumulated toxins in the liver. Wow!

 ZZ fear

Yikes…Enema fears!

  1. Busting the colon wall: The colon was is a muscle. Does your stomach burst if you drink too much water? No. It’s same idea. Your lower abdomen may feel very tight and “full” but it is not going to “bust open”. Actually by doing coffee enemas you are stregthening and toning your colon wall muscles. When accumulated toxic material is stuck to the colon walls, the muscles start to weaken. After you flush out this toxic material, the muscles “wake up” and start to tone themselves up. This can promote easier bowel movements in the long run. I would take precautions with IBS and like illnesses though- im not saying your colon will bust but it could be uncomfortable.
  2. Will I “leak”?: “leaking” a little of the coffee water back out is natural. That is why you put towels down on the floor. Its not like you are going to leak all the liquid out but maybe a few drips.
  3. Electrolyte imbalance: It is natural to loose salts when you do a colon flush. It is nothing to worry about or stop you from doing coffee enemas. There is an easy fix. Eat your sea salt or add 1/4 tsp to your drinking water after the enema (which ever you prefer). If you do a water one you can add in 1 tsp. of  Celtic sea salt to each quart of enema water. Actually being constipated can disrupt the natural electrolyte balance in your colon more then enemas can. So I say, eat your salt and do your enemas.
  4. I wont be able to hold it: Honestly, this takes practice. If you REALLY have to go- then go and try again. Don’t beat yourself up about this part. Increase by 1 minute or 1/2 a minute at a time if you have to.
  5. Detox Symptoms? The “stuff” you are going to excrete is most likely toxic. It is not uncommon to notice little things happening like a short headache, cramping, bad smelling poo, and or a wave of nausea. Once it is all out and in the toilet, your symptoms should go away. The detox symptoms come from the toxins being moved around. If symptoms linger, eating and drinking something will help. You can aways chug a little spoonful of charcoal to absorb any toxins still floating around.
  6. Cant get the nozzle in!: The most simple way to overcome this is lubrication. Use coconut oil or olive oil to help slide the nozzle in. Also make sure you are not too tense- this can contact the muscles in that area. You don’t have to put the nozzle in all the way- just enough that the liquid goes inside of you and not on the floor. You will not hurt yourself if you put the whole nozzle in though (adult body).
  7. Burning my butt: This one is simple. Don’t use hot coffee! My suggestion is to only boil about 1 cup of water with the coffee granules and then add cold/room temp water for the rest. This makes the water a safe temperature every time. Tip: make sure you can keep your finger in the coffee water for at least 5 seconds.
  8. Can physical damage be done?: Not if you use common sense. Use only enema equipment- small nozzle that comes with it. Use lubrication on the nozzle for easy access. Do not use more then minimal force- never force anything.
  9. Its messy!: If you follow all instructions then the process is fairly clean. Yes mess-ups happen and you may forget to close the clamp or the bucket may tip over- but these are mistakes. The toilet may get some splatter marks in it from the extra water force, but use a toilet brush to clean after you take an enema.
  10. yuck-im not sticking that up my butt!: okay, this one is a normal fear at first, but I bet you that you will easily forget about how “gross” the process may seem after a few enemas and after experiencing what good it can do to your liver.
  11. Will I disrupt the “good” colon flora?: Dr wilson has seen thousands of patients benefit from retention coffee enemas and has never seen a problem with unbalanced colon flora. Here is a good excerpt explaining the mechanisms on why enemas actually promote GOOD bacteria.
Some people say that enemas wash out intestinal flora and valuable nutrients. Is this so?
The truth is that the washing out of putrefied material in the large intestine, increases the good intestinal flora. Good bacteria can only breed in a clean environment, which has been washed free of putrefaction and it’s accompanying harmful bacteria. This is why the intestines of a newborn baby immediately begin to grow good intestinal flora. Each time you clean out the putrefying rubbish and make a better environment for the good flora, they start to multiply immediately in their natural media. It also stands to reason that valuable nutrients can better be absorbed in a clean environment than in a putrefied one

What can go wrong?

Need some help?

  • low blood sugar: Eat before the enema
  • Gas: Try a water enema before. Do stretching-yoga-deep breathing. Leave the tip inside of you so the air can escape back into the bag. You can also try abdominal massage going in a clockwise motion.
  • Trouble holding for 15 min: read “what if I cant hold it!” above
  • Caffeine jitters: Decrease the amount of coffee.
  • bucket too high or too low. You want it high enough (recommended 18 in or less) to be able to flow into you without going too fast but you dont want it so low the liquid does not flow.
  • Coffee too cold or too hot: Please don’t burn yourself and don’t shock your colon with cold water. Room temperature is best.
  • The enema parts: Make sure the tubbing is securely attached so it does not spray all over. Also make sure the nozzle is far enough in (or else it will leak all over).
  • lock the door: do I need to say more?

Can you do too many?

Dr Gerson recommends his patients (who are chronically and severely ill) do several (up to 6) a day)–though this is not really recommended because it can cause some imbalances. According to Dr. wilson 1-3 a day is an ok amount. Many people say not to do more then 1 every few days to let the bowel normalize. I can see their concern so one does not rely on them, but many people do enemas for years (Gerson’s cancer patients and Dr. Wilson) and can still have a normally functioning bowel. Remeber anything good can be overdone and become bad. Listen to your body, once you do one, your body remembers. So if you “feel” like a coffee enema, listen to that instinct.

It can be very useful to keep up with daily enemas for a few weeks or months if you have any symptoms related to detoxing or toxicity. It works both ways. Knowing how to do a water and coffee enema is a timeless practice that any member of your family can benefit from. Not only did I learn how to cope with detox symptoms but I have the knowledge and power to heal my body.

Junk and toxins in the intestines and blood only make us sicker. We should not wait around until we get very sick to take control of our health. Doctors can help us fix problems and figure things out that we cannot do ourselves. I always like to find ways that I can help my body on a daily basis. Coffee enemas are just something that keep the body functioning to its potential. I use them when I notice my mental clarity decrease, a toxic headache, a stomach ache, or after a major reaction.

My take on it is this: If you are toxic you need to get it out. The body has an amazing ability to adapt. After a few weeks of enemas you colon muscles should be healthier and stronger. If after you stop coffee enemas your bowel moments do not come back in a day or two, the colon is still sluggish. Years of accumulated toxins will weaken the colon muscles.

I found that after I stop coffee enemas for a few days, my bowel movement will come back the next day, which is an indication my colon is still working and actually quite healthy. I continue coffee enemas because I am releasing toxins on a daily basis from saunas, detox baths,supplements, juicing, and simply a healthy lifestyle (which naturally allows the cells to eliminate toxins). I feel loss toxic and healthier when I do my coffee enemas so I will continue to do them as I heal my body.

I would not worry about taking too many coffee enemas. Use common sense and listen to your body. Make sure to replenish electrolytes by eating sea salt and eating nourishing foods. Take a probitoic to help normal intestinal flora and promote healthy elimination. If you do some hard digging research im sure you can find people being overzealous with coffee enemas and caused problems. Think of how many people who are very sick and even have cancer who do coffee enemas not only 1x but many times a day for years.

Only by detoxing the body of harmful toxins can we heal. Coffee enemas are a powerful tool to do just that.

~Stay Gutsy, Caroline


  • http://www.peak-health-now.com/coffee-enema-pages.html–very good resource! http://gerson.org/gerpress/faqs-detox/ http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/enema1.php http://www.drlwilson.com/ARTICLES/LIVER%20DETOX.htm http://www.peak-health-now.com/coffee_enema_facts.html http://www.sawilsons.com/basicenema.htm http://gnowfglins.com/2013/02/06/no-way-im-not-doing-that/# http://drlwilson.com/Articles/CONSTIPATION.HTM http://gerson.org/gerpress/ http://www.thewellnesswarrior.com.au/2011/07/coffee-enemas-what-can-go-wrong/ http://purelifeenema.com/buckets-and-kits/ http://drlwilson.com/Articles/LIVER.HTM http://www.drlwilson.com/ARTICLES/LIVER%20DETOX.htm http://www.drlwilson.com/ARTICLES/COFFEE%20ENEMA.HTM http://www.laparoscopic.md/digestion/liver http://www.naturalnews.com/038429_health_benefits_coffee_enema_detox.html http://www.gallbladderattack.com/coffeeenema.shtml http://www.ehow.com/about_5412733_benefits-coffee-enemas.html http://www.enemabag.com/how_to_take_an_enema.html#abdominal_massage http://www.thewellnesswarrior.com.au/2011/07/coffee-enemas-what-can-go-wrong/ http://www.seekinghealth.com/blog/coffee-enema-instructions http://www.sawilsons.com/basicenema.htm
  • http://www.healthbeyondhype.com/coffee-enema-ezp-18.html http://www.ivy-rose.co.uk/HumanBody/Digestion/Liver_Functions.php http://www.foodrenegade.com/your-liver-understanding-the-keys-to-health/
  • http://drlwilson.com/Articles/LIVER.HTM
  • https://secure.eznettools.net/D305742/X367201/science/health-issues/liv-symp.html
  • http://www.peak-health-now.com/coffee-enema-questions.html
  • http://www.healthandyoga.com/html/enema/enema-history.aspx
  • http://whale.to/a/colon.html
  • http://www.cpnonline.org/CRS/CRS/pa_enemahom_hhg.htm
  • http://drdavidbrownstein.blogspot.com/2010_05_01_archive.html
  • http://www.leaflady.org/P1P2.htm
  • http://realhealthtalk.com/Coffee_Enemas.html


disclosure 3

The real truth about H. pylori: allergies, autoimmune, & adrenal fatigue

*Update* I want to post an update for this post because It has become so popular! (I’m so happy my experience is helping others).

I had reinfection that lasted several months (because it took me that long to match my symptoms with h. pylori again). I tried a few things like colloidal silver and a few foods. I had run out of the herb trio and a tried essential oils and olive leaf extract. I was interested and the more research I did, the more I realized there are lot of different approaches to killing it. H. pylori typically is not a solo infection but comes with a weakened immune system and other health conditions. It’s hard to distinguish whats what too (treating the whole body is always important).

So I am put together a Gutsy h. pylori Facebook group (join HERE) for all of you to ask questions about h. pylori and see what works! 



In my last post (healing update #5) I told you I have h. pylori. It is not a fun thing to have. It creates SO much destruction in the gut and organs and pretty much can ruin your body. The #1 thing you do not want to do is let it overgrow-trust me, it is much worse then the detox. So, lets begin.

h. pylori is short for Helicobacter pylori


If you don’t know anything about h. pylori I suggest you watch these video’s. I have done lots of research over the past months and these videos are very detailed and explain the biochemical process your body goes through and what the h. pylori does (what vitamins it takes away, detox pathways it ruins, etc..) to the body. I wont lie- they are long, but if you are serious about eradicating the h.pylori for good, then you need to know your facts.

h. pylori- another piece to the puzzle

h. p- part 2

I find Dr. Amy is a very thorough Dr. and researcher and her protocol and testing techniques actually work. Here is her site.

h pylori 2

The confusion

H. pylori is pretty common and a lot of people don’t even know they have it. From what scientists can test- It is the most common infection in the world! When you do know you have it, most likely it is because you are already having un plesent symptoms.

Im not going to list all the symptoms here all because it can pretty much be anything. Not just digestion related/ulcers. Lots of doctors think it stays in the stomach. Nope. It can travel and infect any organ it likes to.

Not only does h. pylori invade but since it reduces stomach acid- (because it likes an base environment to grow) then other parasites and bugs have a easy time thriving. Acid kills, without acid-bad bugs will live in you. yuck.

Many people say that most people infected have no symptoms. Though, I disagree because now I know that it does only produce stomach related symptoms. (Brain fog, thyroid, allergies, fatigue, parasites, and other chronic illnesses are related to h. pylori). Who knew! The reason why I was not diagnosed earlier was because I did not have ulcers, or severe stomach pain. I had all the other symptoms no one could figure out and put the pieces together.

How to treat h.pylori?

There are tons of methods to treat h. pylori.

  • Antibiotics- Which are now clinically proven to not work long term.
  • Herbs-There are so many to count but there is good list that are proven to kill it effectively. (I have lists below)
  • Baking soda or acids- Which one do you choose? It is important to understand the “science” behind it all to know HOW to get rid of h. pylori. Read the section “a note on acids”
  • Gums: (I did not want to include this in “herbs” so it got its own category. Mastic gum is the most common and very good at killing h. pylori.

It is hard to get rid of

H. pylori is stubborn. If you were a bacteria, you would think of a million ways to stay alive-right? H. pylori got the brains so it decided to “hide” and bury itself in the mucus layer in the stomach lining- and other places it infects. You cant just kill it without provoking it out.

Not only that, but even after you eradicate it- it can take up to 6+ months to finally start felling really normal again because it can do so much damage. Your body needs time to rebuild nutrient stores and learn how to function like the body intended (without the bacteria thriving in you).

How is it transmitted?

Over half of the world’s population host H. pylori in their upper G.I. tract. Infection tends to be more prevalent within developing countries and less in western civilizations because of the health care provisions available.

The route of transmission of H. Pylori is unknown, although it’s noted that individuals typically become infected in childhood. H. pylori has a helix shape that is thought to have evolved in order to penetrate the stomach’s mucoid lining.


Possible routes of infection include either oral-oral or fecal-oral, iatrogenic spread with inadvertent use of unsterile pH probes and endoscopes, and vectorial spread by flies.

Many sources say it is easily transmitted so it is advised to treat the whole family (and pets) with the herbal regime so you do not get re-infected. I am planning on doing this. I still have to do a bit more research about what herbs are safe for pets.


What are the facts- why is it SO bad?

Let me just  explain WHY you may feel so terrible. The longer the infection has been in your body and the weaker you are- the more likely that these symptoms will be on the severe side.


This is because the h. pylori sort of “drills” holes in the gut, allowing big food molecules in the blood stream. This in turn will cause an “allergic reaction” because the body is always fighting against things (aka. leaky gut).

Swelling, sneezing, itching all have a purpose- to dilute or get rid of toxins produced by the body when it reacts to these things. Food, smells, chemicals, toxins, touching things, breathing- any of these are possible to give a person with h. pylori problems. Allergies are secondary to h. pylori. 

 “IgG food sensitivities and IgE food  allergies. It is my personal opinion, and what I have seen using this  program that IgG food sensitivities are related to leaky gut (often secondary to H.pylori). What happens is the system is exposed to foods that it should not be, due to the  fact that the barrier is leaky. As we address the leaky gut itself as  well as the underlying cause the sensitivity to those foods seems to  diminish.”- Dr. Amy.

Messes up our detox pathways:

This is the most destructive thing in my opinion. Detox is vital to staying alive! The detox methylation pathways NEED certain vitamins and amino acids to work.

The h. pylori takes a lot of these important “middle men” that work to keep our detox pathways open and running. So basically h. pylori shuts down some of your detox pathways. This makes people sick, sick, sick. Anything is possible at this point. Touching or just breathing in foods/chemicals/pollens can make you go crazy or pass out. Your body just keeps recirculation toxins and your liver gets overwhelmed, swollen, and full!

Autoimmune disorders:

This may get a little tricky- try to follow me. When the h. pylori decided to make a home in your body, it needs certain materials to do that. It needs to neutralize acid. It needs certain vitamins (vb-12 is one of them).It needs to make enzymes to help keep it alive – its enzymes use up manganese- leaving the body deficient in manganese. Manganese is needed to fight free radicals. Without it cell membranes and the DNA are damaged.

In the process it throws off phospholipid, DNA, uradine (helps with brain connection–brain fog anyone?), and pretty much starts messing with the mitochondria. The mitochondria houses the body’s energy (ATP). So now the body is zapped of ALL energy and things start to work slower.

Detox pathways start to shut down because of what I explained in the above points Once this happens then toxic metals start accumulating in the body’s tissues. They can settle wherever they like-brain/thyroid/pancreas, etc.

The cells are smart so they will “trap” and “hide” the heavy metals which are a threat to the body- especially the brain. Once they “trap” the heavy metals in the cell, the body starts to attack the cell-trying to get to the heavy metal to kill it. Autoimmune is the body attacking itself. But really it is attacking the antigen inside the cell. Now this process is not going to be the same for everyone-but you get the point. If you want to learn more about autoimmunity and its process read this free book.


Sine the h. pylroi has blocked absorption (due to neutralizing acid in your stomach), minerals are not going to be absorbed.

Detox pathways also help eliminate excess heavy metals ( “bad” minerals) and since the pathways are blocked the heavy metals will take over binding sites of good minerals. Basically minerals are off and not balanced. This is never good and can lead to pretty much any problem under the sun!

The body has an order of preference for minerals. For example, the body prefers Zinc for over 50 critical enzymes. However, if Zinc becomes deficient (which is very common) or exposure to Cadmium, Lead or Mercury is sufficiently high, the body will use these toxic minerals in place of Zinc. Cadmium, in particular, is located just below Zinc in the periodic table of the elements, so its atomic structure is very similar to that of Zinc. It almost fits perfectly in the Zinc binding sites of critical enzymes.

Look at this atomic table to figure out the possible “thefts” for each good mineral. In each vertical column find each good mineral- zinc, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, manganese, iron, copper, selenium, sulfur etc. Then search for “bad” minerals (heavy metals)  in the same column that can potentially take over the binding spots of the good ones.

High aluminum levels are correlated with bacterial infections.

Even good minerals can get off balance like calcium/magnesium,copper/zincselenium/sulfur ratios. A good test to figure out your mineral and heavy metal ratios is a hair analysis test.

Chronic infection:

H. pylori is a chronic infection. Chronic infections lead to decrease in the conversion of T4 to Active T3 (thyroid hormones- the 3 and 4 represent the # of iodine molecules).

When the body is stressed the T3 gets converted to RT3 (reverse t3). That is bad. The thyroid and the whole body are affected form this inablilty to produce thyroid hormone your body can use. The thyroid becomes “hypo” which leads to weight gain, constipation, dry skin, depression, etc. Thyroid is very important and helps regulate hormones too in the body.

learn more about RT3 here. I don’t believe in taking medication to cover up symptoms. Symptoms are the body trying to tell YOU what is wrong, I believe in fixing the ROOT problem.


Dr Amy says. “I regularly find blastocystis hominis, giardia, cryptosporidium, candida, and other infections in my clients and sometimes people are harbouring these organisms as well as H pylori. A long term H pylori infection and lowering of stomach acid allows these other organisms to pass safely through to the intestines where they are able to colonise. These other infections cause many overlapping symptoms – gas, bloating, headaches, diarrhoea, etc – and are therefore hard to distinguish from H pylori. I therefore recommend running high quality stool testing where possible.”


Of course fatigue will be a part because they body is ALWAYS working and you are deficient in b-vitamins (aka energy vitamins), iron (h. pylori/bacteria like to use iron to their own good). Even when I was eating red meat and high iron foods, my iron levels were low.

Stomach acid:

H. pylori is attracted to low or high acid environments. It starts in the stomach because of this quality- but can travel to other organs. H. pylori can thrive in a high acid stomach because it covers itself in a barrier and hides itself in the mucous layer, deep within your stomach. This can make it tricky to eradicate because they herbs have no way of reaching the bacteria.

H. pylori also neutralizes stomach acid so you have a very poor time digesting and assimilation vitamins and minerals. Say hello fatigue and rumbly stomach!  Read more at “note on acid” below.

*you can also try this HCL temporarily. But it will not eradicate you h pylori, only help ease heartburn and digestion. Do not use at the same time as baking soda.


Ketosis  is when your body starts using fat for energy.  You may think-“Oh this is great”. No not great at all. The brain NEEDS glucose for energy and to survive. When the body turns to fat for energy the body produces ketones.

Part of the ketone molecule can be used for energy but the “bad” part called acetone (the chemical also found in nail polish remover) cannot be used by the body. It is excreted through the urine and breath (stinky urine and breath). The urine is first filtered through the kidneys. When too much acetone is always flushing through the kidneys, the kidneys start to overwork (read here if your kidneys are in danger).

Acetone is a toxin that makes the blood more acidic and starts to damage the liver. When the kidneys overwork the body starts to really get messed up and it can be dangerous. I was there, and I never want to go back. I still have to be careful because I get kidney pain and fluid retention (kidneys facilitate fluid in the body).

In TCM the kidneys are the life force- you don’t want to be messing around with that. It is important to support the kidney with homeopathic, foods, herbs, and whatever you can think of.

You should be taking the ph or your urine:

Something I am thinking of doing is buying these Ph test strips. You take the strip and hold it under your urine. A high urine ph (alkaline) means toxins are being excreted by your kidneys and they are stressed!

High urine ph (7-8): ALKALINE

  • kidney stones
  • vegetarian diet
  • chronic renal failure
  • bacteria infection (Most of the bacteria responsible for urinary tract infections make the urine more alkaline because the bacteria split urea into ammonia and other alkaline waste products.)

Low urine ph (4.5-7) : ACIDIC

  • high protein/meat diet
  • diarrhea
  • starvation
  • dehydration


Learn more about it here.

Neurotransmitter imbalances:

You have probably heard of neurotransmitters so you know how important they are to the cells and brain. Serotonin will be off balance. OCD symptoms may be present and mood and appetite will be affected as well.

Muscle spasms:

This one was random but made sense why I get random eye twitches. High triptamine levels are associated with h. pylroi infection. These high triptamine  levels create “twitches” in the body. I found that Magnesium Bath Flakes help the twitching.


H. pylori produces high ammonia levels in the body. I cant imagine this is good for any organ. Just more for the body to deal with.

Hard to eradicate:

This bacteria digs deep deep down into the mucous layer. It hides itself form the immune system. Because of this and its “tail” that buries itself in the body, it can take a long time to eradicate. It can take many months to get neurotransmitters back to normal too (after eradication). This infection is common in autistic kids and eradicating it can have a huge improvement on moods, speech, cognitive abilities.

Liver/gallbladder problems:

The liver filters the blood (which is becoming toxic from the h. pylori) so it gets clogged and overwhelmed.

The detox pathways are not working so the liver takes the upper hand and overworks night and day until it becomes too clogged to do the job.

Allergies commonly become worse when the liver is toxic.

When the liver does not work right, the gallbladder will not do its job right either. The gallbladder is connected to the liver and works according to how the liver works and vice versa. You need bile to help flush out hormones and toxins and to digest food.

Liver herbs and gallbladder herbs (bitter) are helpful in getting these important detox organs stronger and functioning again (listed below).

To learn more about liver/gb connection read this book. Ox bile and coffee enemas can also assist these two organs greatly.

Adrenal fatigue:

The adrenals sit on top of the kidneys, so they are connected. Since h. pylori damages kidneys so badly, the adrenals are affected as well. When your body is under chronic stress it starts to affect your adrenal glands and drags your body down the stages of adrenal fatigue until one day you feel “dead tired”. Cortisol levels, sleep, and blood sugar will be off too.

Here is a good book about adrenal fatigue.


Not only is your body not absorbing nurtients because you need acid and vitamin b-12 to assimilate nutrients, but since h. pylori neutralizes your stomach acid- parasites, bugs, and bacteria grow and use the nutrients up and leave you with…well not much. This can leave you feeling always hungry- like “nutrient hungry” I call it. Height and growth is also affected in some children and adults.


Gut problems is directly related to histamine levels. Mast cells (which release histamine) increase with an h. pylori infection.

I never really had a problem with his until one day out of the blue I got full body hives and itching. Since then I have had more hives and itching spells. I keep it under control by eating low histamine foods, detoxing, and following my h. pylori program so it does not overgrow more. For me, sea salt seems to help calm the itching/hives as well- natural antihistamine. I find magnesium flake baths help the itching/hives.

Digestive problems:

Digestive problems are characteristic symptom for people with h. pylori (so are ulcers). Diarrhea, constipation bloating, acid reflux, indigestion, nausea, loss or gain or appetite, nervous stomach, gas, etc.  In the mean time, activated charcoal can help digestive issues and gas.

Hernia of stomach (hiatal hernia):

This is when the stomach rides up and get “stuck” and pushes into an ares it doesn’t belong-upward into the chest. Usually the feeling is a hard stomach that is tender. GERD is also a symptom.

This type of hernia can be corrected with manipulative pressure from a kinesiologist (or yourself). I got mine”pushed down” (and you can fix your too!) and will have to continue doing it every few weeks or so until it actually “stays where it is suppose to”

Other organs infected:

Since bacteria can travel, other organs can get infected. For me, my small intestines, stomach, and sinuses are all infected with the h. pylori. Each person is different. Just paying attention to your symptoms may help you figure it out.

Look at a human anatomy chart to know where your organs are. Stomach (hard/tender-h. pylori starts in the stomach). Small intestines (absorption issues). Large intestines/colon (digestion/ bowl problems). Pancreas (enzyme and insulin imbalances). Liver (toxic liver symptoms). Kidneys (kidney pain and associated problems). Sinus (sinus pressure and constant swelling).

Teeth and sinus problems:

The stomach and intestines play a big role in teeth and sinus health. I have a history of cavities and sinus infections. Bacteria can travel from the stomach into the teeth and do damage. The bacteria can travel from the mouth into the sinuses. It is important to kill the bacteria in the sinuses and mouth with salt water rises until you get the h. pylori under control.


*for relief, magnesium oil can help headaches instantly.

” Migraines can be caused by hormone and/or serotonin imbalances and recall that serotonin imbalances can related to chronic bacterial issues. So this gets us back to a need for a full CPR if other suggestions are not enough of a help. Also lack of carnitine (often secondary to H.pylori) can be sufficient to cause migraines.- Dr. Amy”

GABA/glutamate imbalance:

GABA is a neurotransmitter used by the nervous system to transfer messages. It is important to prevent anxiety, restlessness, and brain health.

Vitamins b-6 and B-12 specificlaly are needed to make GABA and since your body is already deficient in them, GABA production slows down. When GABA is out of balance glutamate will be to.  GABA gets low, while glutamate gets high.

I experienced this “drunk” feeling after drinking too much bone broth and fermented veggies once- this was because these foods are high in free glutamate. I already had enough glutamate being produced at abnormal levels so even slight amounts in food send the balance way overboard. This can be a reason why some people do worse on the GAPS diet. Look up high glutamate foods here.


Did I list enough for you? There is alot more that h. pylori does, but lets try to focus on what to DO to get rid of it and bring the body back in balance.


You are probably wondering how do you even know if you have h. pylori for sure?  You do testing- but here is where it can get tricky (not all testing is reliable).

* I got kinesiology testing, which in my opinion can be just as accurate as a blood/stool/breath test if you get a good practitioner.

* always work with a practitioner if you think you have h. pylori.

Stool test:

(like this one). Do the stool test on a full moon- bacteria and parasites are most active then. This is the most reliable according to most studies. It can be done before to diagnose h. pylori. and after to make sure you have it cleared from your system. Read here why it is the most reliable test.


This requires a special kinesiologist practitioner to use muscle testing to find the “root cause” . This is what I did and my Dr. used “bacteria” viles and my muscles to determine that I had an h. pylori infection. We tested things until we found out what exactly made my muscle weak.

Blood test:

Checks the antibodies to H. pylori. Antibodies can stay in your blood 12-18 months after eradication (treatment). If you do have antibodies and have never been treated then YES you have h. pylori.

Breath test:

This test uses radioactive carbon atom to detect h.pylori. Though it is a inconsistent test, and usually expensive.

Stomach biopsy:

A sample is taken from inside the stomach and small intestine. This test too is inconsistent and the most invasive.

Markers on other testing:

Here are some of the markers trained Dr.’s look for that “hint” at the patient has an h. pylori infection.  Here are Dr. Amy’s findings…

  • “if manganese is  consistently low on a Urine essential elements test
  • if most amino acids are low on a Urine amino acid test  and  arginine is normal range
  • if suberic is really high  on a Metabolic Analysis Profile (MAP) in spite of carnitine support
  • if particular Krebs  intermediates are high while others are in normal range on that MAP
  • if  5HIAA is very high when it doesn’t make sense with the maoA status or  the support being used
  • if there is consistently midrange to high  cadmium and bismuth excretion
  • if a Neurotransmitter test is showing  high tryptamine or tyramine”


A note on Acid:

Some pratcitoners like to supplement acid to “kill the h. pylori”. But if you have been following what I have been saying, then the h. pylori will not be killed by the acid because it will either neutralize it or hide in the mucous layer of the gut so it stays in a “safe environment”

Here is what Dr. Amy says:

“I would NOT add anything acidic to drop the pH in my personal opinion.  I will explain why I am saying that by explaining my personal theory on  H.pylori that seems to be holding up to the test of time and having  positive results…I believe that the H.pylori may be coming out of  hiding due to the program. H.pylori makes an enzyme called urease. This  enzyme uses arginine from the body and makes a product to help to  neutralize the stomach acid. While H.pylori may initially be attracted  to a gut that has a higher stomach pH, and while it is shown to be a  factor in acid reflux, GERD, stomach ulcers…it actually will not live  in an acid environment. That is why it hides in the mucosal cells lining  the gut. I believe it is in part so hard to eradicate as it is hiding  in those mucosal cells. The idea of the baking soda which has worked  well is to trick the H.pylori into thinking the pH is less acidic so it  will come out of hiding and so the other supplements (Peptimycin and  HELXthese are the supplements she uses which contain many of the herbs I am listing) can reach it. When the pH climbs  like you are seeing, I believe that represents H.pylori that has come  out of hiding, out of the mucosal cells and is making urease to  neutralize the stomach acid so that it can live there. I feel it is now  more vulnerable to eradication, but it also may be causing more gut  pain. This is why we consider the H.pylori program when the gut  pH is very low (an environment that H.pylori may be attracted to) or  when it is high (indicating H.pylori is making urease to increase the  gut pH to neutralize the acid). What has been seen on a number of tests  is that the pH will swing from very low (ie around 5) to very high  (closer to 8 ) for the same individual.”

* a gut test determines the h.p of the stomach.

*So basically- don’t use acid- use baking soda to “provoke” the h. pylori out of hiding so you can kill it with supplements and herbs. Baking soda is used to trick the h. pylori that the stomach is “safe” and base (not acidic).



What to eat?

This is a very broad question and I wonder if I am doing the right thing each day. It all boils down to- how do you feel after eating? Of course you should stay away form the junk, sugar, table salt, and the obvious bad things. But what about all the lists you see online “what not to eat with h.pylori”. I tried to find out the pros and cons or each. I hope it helps. Your best bet is to listen to your instincts.

“Are these food’s ok if I have h. pylori?”


pro: It can decrease GGT (gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase) levels–this is a “bad” liver enzyme.

con: Coffee is acidic in nature and can stress adrenals more-so this is a decision you have to make. I personally do not drink it.

Fermented foods:

pro: Full of good natural probitoics to hep fight infection and bacteria.

con: Can increase excess glutamate and histamine levels.

High fat (even good fats):

pro: Help absorption of vitamins  (especially since you are deficient probably) and keep you full longer.

con: Can aggravate ketosis and inflammation in the stomach- look at note below **

** Eat a higher carbohydrate/ lower fat diet:

Too much fat aggravates the h pylori symptoms (digestion/gallbladder doesn’t work/ketosis) and keeping a steady amount of carbohydrates prevents the body from going into ketosis. This is a temporary diet- and you can return to lots of healthy fats once you recover. A stool that is pale and stinky is most likely a signal you are not digesting your fats. To help digest fats- increase herbs to support bile (dandelion root, bitter herbs).


pro: Helps to “fight” h. pylori directly.

con: If you have a CBS mutation, you have a sulfur detox problem and this can aggravate your symptoms. (check out foods high in sulfur)

Spices (cayenne/mustard/cloves/cinnamon):

pro: Antibacterial properties and are known to help ulcers (common in h. pylori).

con: Spicy foods can aggravate the stomach lining and increase HCL in the stomach. Remeber that 1-2 hours after eating we want to make the stomach “base” so the h. pylori comes out of hiding. Some sources say they can promote the perfect ground for bacteria growth.

*Here is my thinking. Is it may be ok to eat these healing spices with food  (even if it does increase the Hydrochloric acid in the stomach temporarily) and then just follow with the baking soda after most of the food is digested. If it aggravates your stomach- don’t eat it, but if you crave it- your body may need it. (here is a good article to help)


pro: Especially if it is raw and cultured, it will be a rich source of probioitcs.

con: Can be a cause of excess mucous in the body and high fat dairy can aggravate sensitive stomachs with h. pylori. Fermented milk or cheese are high in glutamates.


pro: High in magnesium and mineras.

con: Can aggravate the stomach because it is acidic.

Red meat:

pro: A good source of b- vitamins and iron (anemia and B-12 are common deficiencies with h. pylori)**

con: Meat is acidic but it depends on how your body digest it if it will be ok with h. pylori symptoms.

**h pylori is commonly found in blood type O’s -who process meat well and need to eat it to feel good and strong. read about it here


pro: Keeps you full, contains important amino acids to make neurotransmitters (which you are lacking in).

con: Too much can stress the kidneys- which are already fragile and detoxing hard.

Bone broth/gelatin:

pro: Rich in gut healing properties.

con: If you have a GABA/glutamate imbalance then you need to be careful about eating foods high in free glutamate and gelatin is high. (check out foods high in glutamate).



carbonated drinks

alcohol: Too much free glutamate

canned foods: Histamine is high

leftover foods: Histamine is increased


white products

vinegar: Use apple cinder vinegar instead

foods you are allergic to: Aggravates stomach and pretty much the whole body.

tomatoes: They have an acidic affect in the stomach.

grains (gluten and non gluten): There are alot of problems with grains and leaky guts /cross reacting to gluten grains so it is best to stay away while you heal.


flavinoid rich foods: Cranberries (good for kidneys too), apples, onions, celery

sea salt: Helps balance adrenals and regulate kidneys

leafy green veggies/sea veggies (organic): Rich in vitamin b’s, and other vitamins and minerals

wild fish– Rich in omega 3’s -reduce inflammation

veggies and fruits

squash and starchy veggies: To help keep carbohydrate intake higher if you are on low fat- you will need calories


Remember these are just my thoughts and can be used as guidelines, but I say the best bet is listen to your body’s healthy cravings.


The protocol

My protocol will look different from yours, but I will show you my protocol as an example. I am still very sensitive, so I did some extra research and “dissected” common h. pylori supplements that contained herbs and enzymes so I could stay away from “fillers” and capsules.

Tip: Cycle on and off supplements/herbs- don’t want to over drive the immune system. You want to give the body a break.

example: 2 weeks on herbs & 1 week off herbs or 4 days on herbs & 1 day off (whatever feels right with your body)


Organ support:

I created this to have its own category because these herbs don’t necessarily “kill the h. pylori, but they are still important to keep the organs strong and eliminating the toxic waste.

Herbal teas:

Many teas are very supportive of the organ systems (which you need right now). I will give you a small list for supporting each organ system.

*I always have someone in my family muscle test me to make sure my body needs them at that time. Use these videos to learn how to muscle test yourself. I have a new love for learning about herbs-here is my new page for them

Kidney: uva ursi, cranberry, rose hips, parsley, nettle, burdock, dandelion leaf

Reproductive system: maca, red raspberry leaf, red clover, white peony root

Lymph: oregon grape root, poke root, cleavers, wild indigo, Figwort, horsetail, echinacea, goldenseal


  • constipated: senna leaf, Cascara sagrada, rhubarb root, chickweed
  • diarrhea: marshmallow root, slippery elm bark, peppermint, camomile

Liver/gallbladder: dandelion root, dandelion leaf, Schisandra berries, milk thistle, gentian root, turmeric

Digestion/stomach: ginger, fennel, marshmallow root, slippery elm bark, rose hips, lotus leaf

Spleen/blood: hawthorn berries, red root, barberry

Adrenals: licorice, codonopsis root, sarsaparilla, ginseng, wild yam *sea salt is also very good at supporting adrenals

Brain: ginkgo, ashwaghandha, rosemary, peppermint, holy basil, green tea

Screen Shot 2013-05-05 at 7.45.53 PM


Homeopathics help support organ systems and keeps their toxic load down. I like the apex line. I use this and this one. When I had my second flare- homeopathics really helped calm my symptoms and bring my body back in balance.


Thee may be new to you. My dr. usually recommends them to her patients. RNA’s help support organ systems. I take Liver RNA, Kidney RNA, cytokine inflammation RNA


Digest gold or digestive enzymes : taken 20 minutes before meals to help digest your food.


How to “kill” h. pylori:

Anti-h. pylori Herbs: These are specific herbs used to kill h. pylori. that I am taking daily:


My H. Pylori blend:

With trial and error and some research I figured out what “blend” works for my body. I believe that if the body is going to heal, it needs to have a nourishing diet, detoxing (to get the toxins out of your body), and an overall balanced healthy life style.

Nature provides special herbs and plants to flush toxins–specifically we are targeting h. pylori–out of our bodies that make us sick. These 3 plants (triphala (actually 3 herbs in 1) , cats claw, and mastic gum) are the things I choose to kill off the h.pylori in my body to use consistently.

I dissected a bunch of well trusted supplements and these 3 ingredients were common in many mixtures. I don’t like taking capsules and I prefer to source my own ingredients. Im ok with this because it forces me to learn about each one.

Since I am sensitive, I like to try each herb individually to make sure my body is ok with it. I first muscle test myself and then try a very small amount. After I know I was ok with all 3, I combined them into a formula that my body tolerated well.

Some days I make the herbs into a tea (with hot water) and take the mastic gum separate. Some days I combine and drink in regular temp water.  Do what your body tolerates (you may have to change up the measurements) and feel free to change up the formula to add in any of the other “anti-hpylori” herbs listed below.

Where to buy?

Most everything I have taken can be found on my “supplements” tab above. I made this page just for you guys. –>  Gutsy’s H. Pylori Supplements


Triphala: You can buy powder here or capsules here.

Cats Claw: You can buy powder here, bark here, and capsules here.

Mastic gum: You can buy in capsules here  or whole here.



what is it?

latin names:


Triphala is actually a combination of 3 herbs. It is a very popular Ayurvedic herb that originated in India. The herbs are dried and ground into a powder.

Triphala is an Ayurvedic remedy consisting of equal parts of three herb, taken without seed: Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). The word triphalameans literally “three fruits”.


Triphala contains five of the six tastes recognized in Ayurveda (sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and astringent), only missing the salty taste.


1/4 tsp 1-2x a day  (you can either dissolve in hot water or cold). I prefer taking it in liquid because of this…

Triphala Tea The traditional way of ingesting triphala is as a tea. This method allows one to taste the herb fully, and taste is considered by Ayurveda to be an important part of the healing process. Taste starts the digestive process, and sends signals to the body as to what to expect, already initiating your body’s own inner pharmacy.


A 17 year old girl discovered an Ayurvedic herb to effectively break the protective layer of bacteria. The specific herb was Haritaki. This protective layer is called a “biofilm”. Some people use biofilm enzymes to help break down this protective layer so the body can then recognize and attack the bacteria (h. pylori).

One of the common tropical plant extracts penetrated the bacterium’s protective layer. Next, Madhavi isolated the specific molecule in the extract that was able to inhibit bacterial growth. She found that the molecule was heat resistant, and resistant to pressure. “It kills the cell,” she explains, “by preventing the transcription of the genes involved in energy, metabolism, adaptation, membrane transport, and toxin secretion.”

This study explains the qualities of Haritaki (one of the three herbs in triphala) and its effect on h. pylori.

Haritaki has anti-bacterial effect (International Journal of Cardiology, 1988). In this study the researchers tested the effect of extracts of Haritaki on a bacteria called Helicobactor Pylori. The results indicated that water extracts of Haritaki contain a heat stable agent with inhibiting effects and possible therapeutic potential for fighting Helicobactor Pylori and other bacterial species.


I included an “about” section for triphala because it is such a complex herb. Ayurvedic medicine has a different way of looking at the body, illness, and foods/herbs. I will help you understand the herbs and how each one relates to a specific “dosha”- characteristics that help make up the body and mind. Each one is a completely different herb with amazing properties.


  • has a cooling affect on the dosha Pitta (fire/bile)
  • helps with digestion and assimilating food
  • clears thinking ability
  • mildly laxative
  • astringent- constrict tissues to heal
  • alterative-helps restore body functions
  • antipyretic-helps reduce fever
  • used to treat “fire” imbalances -ulcers, stomach/intestine inflammation, constipation/diarrhea, acne/rashes, liver congestion, infections.
  • very high source of vitamin c
  • antioxidant
  • sour


  • helps target problems in kapa (water/mucus) dosha
  • balances excess mucus
  • helpful for respiratory problems (allergies/asthma)
  • astringent taste (smooth/bitter/dry)
  • cleanses the blood
  • remove harmful toxins in body
  • strengthens hair roots and color or hair
  • balances kapa (water) imbalances- eliminated fluid (edema)
  • antiviral and antibacterial
  • improves eye site
  • balances over weight conditions


  • helps balance the vata (wind/nervous system) dosha
  • helps to eradicate parasites
  • clams nerves and anxiety
  • removes toxins- “scraping” effect
  • helps maintain a healthy weight
  • lubricant and laxative-helps constipation
  • has 5 tastes (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent)
  • stimulates digestion and sensory organs
  • helps combat anemia
  • combats gallstones
  • restores health



  • 3 herbs that support 3 different dosha’s  (a well balanced herb)
  • improves circulation (cleanses blood and increases red blood cells)
  • detoxifies at a deep level without depleting the bodies reserves
  • helps stimulate bile flow
  • good liver tonic
  • internal cleanseing
  • helps fight bacteria (h. pylori), parasites, and viruses
  • improves digestion and elimination
  • helps body absorb nutrients, fight cravings
  • helps body balance out weight-fights unwanted fat
  • regenerate tissues
  • anti-imflamitory
  • promotes normal appetite
  • helps heal metabolism
  • used as a tonic for eye and hair washes
  • supports healthy immune system



  • Do not use if nursing/pregnant
  • do not use if you have acute diarrhea– mild laxative effect
  • can cause weight loss-do not use if you are already very underweight
  • no known drug interactions
  • be cautious with blood thinning medications
  • do not take with dysentery (inflamed intestines with severe diarrhea)
  • if you are allergic to any of the herbs plant family’s (listed above) do not take
  • can cause detox symptoms- you may have to stop temporarily if it gets too uncomfortable


Cats claw:

what is it?

latin name: Uncaria tomentosa

plant family: Rubiaceae

The coffee family (Rubiaceae) is the largest woody plant family in the wet tropics, and contains approximately 13,200 species. Most species live in the lower ‘understorey’ level of the forest, where their fruits, nectar and leaves provide an important source of food for animals.


Cat’s claw is a tropical vine clinging to 100-foot (and taller) trees by using its namesake “claws.” Cat’s claw (una de gato in Spanish) refers to at least 20 plants with sharp curved thorns, both native to the South and Central American tropical rain forests, with most of the commercial production focused on Uncaria tomentosa. Ethically harvested cat’s claw bark is a major source of income for many Brazilian and Peruvian villages.

cross reactants: coffee, rubiaceae (coffee) family


1/4 tsp (powdered) 1-2x a day

1-3 tsp (bark). Steep in boiling water for 15  minutes.

*The tannins in the herb are released only if it is taken in an acidic medium

If you can tolerate lemon juice- stir cats claw powder in lemon water or squeeze some lemon juice in your tea. I cannot do this because I am sensitive to citrus fruit. I just take it in water and still believe I am getting the benefits of this herb (i have gotten detox).



Fights against lyme and other bacteria (h. pylori)- In this study

In this study the patient went on a course of antibiotics for h. pylori. Symptoms were nauseous, weight loss, loss of appetite, and high blood pressure. She only got worse. After 1 month of cats claw (120mg ) a day, taken 30 hour before breakfast, her h. pylori was gone and her symptoms were a lot better.



  • DNA repair (8 week study proved this)
  • helps allergies (breaks down mucous)
  • treats inflammation (by suppressing TNF-alpha synthesis–which is needed in the inflammation process)
  • detoxify intestines while helping keep friendly bacteria alive
  • stimulates immune system to help fight cold, viruses,
  • Fights some cancers (study done that it stops cell mutations in long term smokers)
  • regulates microphages and white blood cells (either low or high)
  • acts against h. pylori
  • helps fight sinus problems
  • used for arthritis and joint inflammation conditions
  • helps people with stomach and bowel disorders
  • fights fungal and viral infections (candida)
  • promotes speedy wond healing
  • antioxidants help fight free radicals



  • Avoid when trying to get pregnant/ already pregnant/ nursing/young children.- can cause miscarriages
  • should not be taken 2 weeks before/after surgery or people who have bleeding disorder
  • should not be used by people who have organ transplants
  • should not be taken with some autoimmune disorders (can make the immune system more active)–for this reason I balance it with herbs that stimulate my T2  side.
  • can aggrivate leukemia cancer.
  • can lower blood pressure–i have low blood pressure but again it is all bout balance.
  • medications: since cats claw is broken down by the liver it could interact with certain medications that are broken down by the same enzyme (allergy meds, cholesterol meds, allergy medication, anti fungals)
  • if you are allergic to the rubiaceae (coffee) family no not use.


Mastic gum:

what is it?

latin name: Pistacia lentiscus (Greek for mastic)– mastic gum comes from this small evergreen tree

plant family: Anacardiaceae

Mastic is a resin obtained from the mastic tree (Pistacia lentiscus). In Greece, it is known as the “tears of Chios,” being traditionally produced on that Greek island, and, like other natural resins, is produced in “tears” or droplets. Originally liquid, it is sun dried into drops of hard brittle translucent resin. When chewed, the resin softens and becomes a bright white and opaque gum. The flavor is bitter at first, but after chewing, it releases a refreshing, slightly piney or cedar flavor.


The ancient Greeks chewed mastic gum (or mastiche, pronounced “mas-tee-ka”) for centuries. This substance is formed from the resin contained in the bark of the mastic tree found mainly in Greece and Turkey. Grecian women favored chewing mastic gum to clean their teeth and sweeten their breath.


Anacardiaceae (the cashew or sumac family) are a family of flowering plants bearing fruits that are drupes and in some cases producingurushiol, an irritant. Notable plants in this family include:cashew (in the type genus Anacardium), mango, poison ivy, sumac, smoke tree, and marula. The genus Pistacia (which includes thepistachio and mastic tree) usually is now included, but has sometimes been placed in its own family, Pistaciaceae

Cross reactants:

Mastic gum is related to cashews, mango, poisin ivy, sumac, smoke tree, marula (oil used in cosmetics, to treat leather, and preserve meat), capers, pistachio (im including it just to be safe), and the Anacardiaceae (cashew family).


I took the weight (grams) of the mastic gum I bought in powder (here).  This are approximate values .

1/2 tsp = 0.8 gram

1/4 tsp = 0.4 gram

Taking 1 g of mastic gum is a good amount in opinion. I have no problem doing this and I don’t even notice I am taking it. Some people take from 500mg -1 g of mastic gum a day. I find it best to do this (1/4 tsp) 2x a day.


In this article there were 2 groups of people. One group was given 1g of mastic gum the other a placebo. After 2 weeks 80% of the people in the mastic gum group had their symptoms improve and 70% had healing in their gastric mucosa.

In this article they do a study where people  with ulcers -caused by h. pylori- take 1g of mastic gum a day. After 2 weeks the ulcers were “cured”. This study showed that mastic had a anti-h. pylori. effect.

What is the gastric mucosa? Thanks wikipedia.

The gastric mucosa is the mucous membrane layer of the stomach which contains the glands and the gastric pits. In humans it is about 1 mm thick and its surface is smooth, soft, and velvety. It consists of epithelium, lamina propria, and the muscularis mucosae.

Here is an interesting study about the early cause for stomach ulcers and how mastic gum kills h. pylori!!

Researchers in Australia made that startling discovery about the true cause of ulcers in the early 1980s, at about the same time that mastic was being rediscovered by the Arab scientists in the Middle East. The Arab and British researchers subsequently (in the late 1990s) found that mastic kills H. pylori. By then it was known that H. pylori typically infects the stomach and intestines, but it is also commonly found in the mouth (which is, after all, part of the gastrointestinal tract), because there’s no way to prevent the bacteria from migrating up and down the esophagus


  • effective at eradicating h. pylori
  • helps prevent cavities -specifically Streptococcus mutans- known to create cavities. (the bacteria travels from stomach to the mouth)
  • acts as prebiotics for your probiotic (natural source of food for your healthy bacteria- helps keep bad bacteria out)
  • soothes stomach ailments
  • eliminates stomach ulcers
  • “absorbs” bad cholesterol –helps reduce heart attack risk
  • anti-bacterial and anti-fungal
  • decreases symptoms of IBS
  • helps protect liver by decreasing certain liver enzymes.
  • anti-viral



  • Usually considered safe unless you have a true allergy to the cashew family. It can be used by people on medications, but to be safe, check with your doctor first.





I take custom probiotic 11 strain (affiliate link). Gut pro and prescript assist are also good. Both of these are free of fillers. There are many strains that are superior in killing h. pylori, but when I did my research I found that Custom probitoics was the best fit for me. Be careful because they are powerful and can cause detox/die off.

Here is an article going over the “best strains” for eradication h. pylori. They don’t “kill” the h. pylori but they prevent any further grown.

Studies have also highlighted probiotic supplementation to enhance natural killer cell activity, stimulate IgG antibody responses

  • L. acidophilus- reduce urease activity of h. pylori.
  • L. johnsonii- secrete antimicrobial substances that stop the h.pylori from adhering to the gut lining.
  • L. salivarius- secrete antimicrobial substances that stop the h.pylori from adhering to the gut lining. Reduce inflammation in gut
  • L. casei– inhibits h. pylori by lactic acid 
  • L. lactis- inhibits h. pylori by lactic acid
  • L. reuteri- inhibit h. pylori by competing with the adhesion sites.
  • L. plantarum- increase secretion of mucin by colon (helps restore permeability of gut)
  • L. rhamnosus– increase secretion of mucin by colon (helps restore permeability of gut)
  • L. brevis- helps decrease the h. pylori bacterial load
  • L. gasseri– helps decrease the h. pylori bacterial load
  • L. bulgaricus-increase mucosal immune response and IgA cells in gut tissue
  • B. Bifidum- directly inhibit h. pylori
  • B. lactis- directly inhibit h. pylori


Other herbs known to help kill h pylori:


Baking soda:

Used to provoke the h. pylori out of hiding your mucous gut lining so it can be reached by the “killing” herbs. Look at “a note on acid” above. I use this kind .

Dosage: 1/4 tsp baking soda 1-3 x a day. 1 hour after meals


rife 2


RIFE is light frequency to kill the frequencies of bacteria-which then kills the actual bacteria. This was a good option for me because at first I could not tolerate ANY supplements. Through NAET I have become less allergic to foods/herbs and now I can use supplements/herbs. I still use my RIFE to treat h. pylori each night. Learn about RIFE here. 

I have a few friends who use a Zapper (like this one) instead to kill their bugs, and it actually works very well. They get bad die off, but eventually feel better and their pain and aches subside.


A note:

*NO iron supplements- feeds and fuels bacterial infections

* When you work with a practitioner they may want to help supplement other things to keep your body functioning as best as possible. I don’t know everything and I am still learning what I need. Since I am very sensitive, so I take what MY body needs.

 Screen Shot 2013-05-05 at 7.45.36 PM

Detox/ support:

Magnesium baths: To ease the constipation, muscle twitches, fatigue (I get this kind), and general wellness. Are you deficient? I use this kind.

Coffee enemas: Helps to detox all the stuff that is being kiledl off and to support the liver so it does not get overwhelmed. Look at this post for instructions and more information. I use this non-toxic enema bucket and this organic enema coffee.

Charcoal: Used to soak up extra toxins in the blood stream and help ease detox symptoms. Gives me a sense of mental clarity and less “toxic” feeling. This can cause constipation in some people because it binds to toxins in the gut and if you have h. pylori you have a toxic gut. You may use herbs-listed above- to help bowel movement. Charcoal on amazon.

Lymph: Getting the lymph system moving is important to keep the toxins moving OUT- you don’t want the lymph stagnant. Learn how to move your lymph here. A rebounder can be very helpful.

Oil Pulling: If sinuses and brain fog are a problem you may want to consider oil pulling. I find that it gives me energy and drains my sinuses very well. Look here for instructions. I use coconut oil. This book explain the “why” behind it.

Clay: Using the skin as a detox organ and giving the other ones a break (liver & kidney) is a helpful tool. On my bad detox days, I feel calmer and less “toxic” after a clay foot, face, or body mask or soak. Look at my post for directions. I drink and bath in this clay..it that pure!

Infrared sauna: A far Infrared sauna heat can penetrate into the system and actually help kill viruses and bacteria! I use this sauna which is AMAZING and the wood is hypoallergenic since I am extra sensitive. It is also a LOW EMF sauna which is very important. I also use this near infrared sauna light because the light frequencies are extremely beneficial at killing bad bugs and regenerating organs.  Don’t forget the light clip! To learn more, read this or this article or this book. You could also build your own sauna!

EMF protection: A extra stressed or toxic body can feed illness and infections. Make sure to protect yourself from EMF’s. I sleep on a earthing mat. I protect my house with this and my wifi with this. I protect my phone with these little EMF sticker (actually filled with a special rock powder thats proven to block EMF’s). Immediately my brain felt clear, and my body felt more relaxed. I one time knocked the house protector out of the socket and my mind was racing and I felt my heart rate go up for no apparent reasons.

How long will it take?

This is a very good question and it will depend on the person. It depends on how long you have had the infection, how bad it got, etc. Most likely it will take many months to eradicate completely. You can always follow up with a stool test to make sure it is 100% gone.

You may start feeling better after a few weeks, 1 month or it could take 3 months. Mine over grew and I feel like the overgrown was much worse then the detox that happened weeks later. I have only been treating it for 2 months and I can already feel a small difference- but I know I have a long way to go.

Since h. pylori disrupts neurotransmitters and nutrients, it can take an additional 6 months (after eradication) to start feeling normal.

Doing all of these things/herbs can get a little confusing. Just listen to your body and things will fall in place. I am still trying to figure out the groove of things and pace myself with detox and such. At least I KNOW I am on my way to healing :). You will heal too.


* update 8/23/13 : after 3 months of active treatment (herbs) and then 2 more more months being diligent with my food choices, doing the RIFE frequencies, and detoxing I have my h pylori under control.  I still have digestive issues, and will continue to keep an eye on my h pylori symptoms. Since I have other factors going on (heavy metal toxicity) it will be easy for any bacteria to take advantage of my out of balance body. Since h pylori is common, and I don’t want to get reinfected I will continue with a few parts of the treatment to be preventative. Once my body is free of toxins, I will be able to fight off bugs and illness, better and will not have to worry about reinfection. 

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous.” ~Psalm 34:19


 ~Stay Gutsy, Caroline


  • http://amyking.wordpress.com/2009/02/20/im-so-happy-i-have-h-pylori/ <– good post to help give an example of another persons “protocol”
  • http://rhrplus.com/b2evolution/blogs/index.php/Articles/antimicrobial-herbs-for-helicobacter-pyl
  • http://www.h-pylori-symptoms.com/the-11-best-herbs-vitamins-for-fighting-h-pylori/
  • http://www.livingsource.co.nz/heavymetals.cfm
  • http://www.ulcer-cure.com/H_Pylori/h-pylori-test.php
  • http://www.neuroconcepts.memberlodge.org/resources/Documents/NN%20155%20probiotics%20H.%20pylori.pdf
  • http://altmedicine.about.com/od/herbsupplementguide/a/Cats_Claw.htm
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncaria_tomentosa
  • http://www.kew.org/plants-fungi/kew-stories/kew-research/coffee-family/index.htm
  • http://www.herbwisdom.com/herb-cats-claw.html
  • http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/learn/catsclaw.php
  • http://books.google.com/books?id=oRsXKdSaiKsC&pg=PA42&lpg=PA42&dq=h+pylori+fights+cats+claw&source=bl&ots=UnNH4JMruG&sig=Q4p5IHhuCfOpcxnof4RX0hFPV5A&hl=en&sa=X&ei=LYmJUb-LDIrlyAHHoIF4&ved=0CGMQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=h%20pylori%20fights%20cats%20claw&f=false
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastic_(plant_resin)
  • http://www.wrigley.com/global/about-us/history-of-gum.aspx
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anacardiaceae
  • http://altmedicine.about.com/od/herbsupplementguide/a/Mastic-Gum.htm
  • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9394753
  • http://www.intactnutrition.com/blog/the-benefits-of-mastic-gum.html
  • http://www.intactnutrition.com/blog/benefits-of-mastic-gum-include-killing-h-pylori-to-prevent-and-combat-ulcers.html
  • http://www.livestrong.com/article/267577-what-are-the-benefits-of-mastic-gum/
  • http://www.life-enhancement.com/magazine/article/770-mastic-is-more-than-an-antibacterial
  • http://apps.rhs.org.uk/plantselector/plant?plantid=6320
  • http://taxondiversity.fieldofscience.com/2011/06/phyllanthaceae.html
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phyllanthaceae
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combretaceae
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminalia_chebula
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminalia_bellirica
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phyllanthus_emblica
  • http://www.banyanbotanicals.com/triphala.asp
  • http://ayurvedabykailas.com/ayurvedic-reference/triphala.html
  • http://www.banyanbotanicals.com/triphala.asp
  • http://www.organicindia.com/triphala.php
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triphala
  • http://herbalicine.com/Triphala-is-a-natural-ayurveda-herb-for-gItract-digestion
  • http://www.planetherbs.com/specific-herbs/the-wonders-of-triphala.html
  • http://www.experiencefestival.com/wp/article/triphala-a-traditional-ayurvedic-herb-to-help-cleanse-the-body
disclosure 3

Are your child’s clothes TOXIC?

Are your child’s clothes TOXIC?

Most likely the clothes you are wearing on you back and the ones you dress your kids in have harmful toxins in them. The effects of these toxins on your children can range from hyperactivity to hormone imbalances.



The problem with farming and government standards


Today’s modern farming methods and government regulations make our clothes laden with toxins. By law the flame-retardants are required to keep in the clothes for at least 50 washings! The government advocates these “safety” measures because they feel it will reduce the risk of injury in a fire. Though, are the government’s intentions to protect us really worth it? Yes, these fire retardants may save our life in a fire but they are slowly killing us.


Additionally, there are other methods out there for fire safety. But why haven’t you heard of any of them? This is because the big chemical company’s advertise that their “chemicals are necessary to save lives”. The brominated flame-retardants being used, directly affect the developing brain and reproductive systems.


As Ramiel points out in his book, “The government doesn’t protect us from these chemicals, even when their dangers are well understood and acknowledged. He has warned us that we now have to take our health in own hands.”



Additional symptoms and effects from brominated flame-retardants or PBDE’s include: hives, headaches, migraines, rashes, fever, flu-like symptoms, difficulty breathing, sinus infections, heart problems, muscle cramps, kidney failure, rapid breathing, yellowish coloring of the skin, birth defects, increased risk of cancer, acne, dilated pupils, motor and coordination problems, stomach ach, learning disorders, reduced appetite, fluid retention, reproductive problems, infertility, and the list just goes on and on.





PBDE’s or antimony polybrominated diphenyl ethers are not the only toxins used on our clothes.

  • Antibacterial is used to prevent bad odors in sporting clothing, which causes irritation to the skin and is harmful to water life.
  • Fungicides are used to stop mold growth in clothes.
  • Dyes contain carcinogenic and mutagenic toxins.
  • Formaldehyde is a common agent to prevent shrinkage and wrinkles. It is a very dangerous toxin to the brain and body.
  • Phthalates are known to cause infertility.
  • Heavy metals such as chrome, lead, and nickel are present in dyes and are very dangerous to developing brains.
  • Fluoride and PFC’s are a common additive to the manufacturing of clothing.


Toxins in your clothes:


Most likely if you are not buying your clothes organic, they are going to contain flame-retardants. Making your clothes may not be any better, because the fabric comes with flame-retardants on them. A less expensive option than organic clothing would be to buy organic fabric and then make your own clothes.


  • Cotton: It is sprayed heavily with carcinogenic pesticides and then doused with toxins and flame-retardants because it is highly flammable by nature.
  • Nylon or acetate: Soaked in toxins. It takes at least 50 washings to minimize the toxins.
  • Fleece (pj’s): Very toxic with flame-retardants, you do not want to sleep in it!
  • Leather: Contains the heavy metal chrome.
  • Polyester: Flame-retardants are built into the clothes, so only wear on occasion.
  • Synthetic materials: Not only are they toxic, but they block your energy flow throughout your body.
  • Rayon: A synthetic material that is sprayed with many toxins and dyes.
  • Clothes that claim to be “wrinkle and shrink free”: They loaded with formaldehyde!




Your children are in danger


Children and babies especially, are susceptible to these chemicals because they are growing and their cells are rapidly multiplying. Once these chemicals and toxins enter the body, they get stored in the fatty tissue. Detoxing these chemicals can be especially hard and sometimes damage is irreversible.


Don’t forget that anything the mom puts in or on her body will transfer to her growing baby or through her breast milk. It has been found that PBDE are not only in breast milk but are also in almost all living animals, from eagles to polar bears. There have been studies that show effects of fire retardants in baby animals, so this is definitely a warning to all little children in the world. Even blood samples of people who live in ideal unpolluted places have significant amounts of flame-retardants and toxins in them.



You are what you put in and on your body


Remember that your skin is a very powerful absorber. You skin will absorb anything you put on it. In Healing Our Children, it is mentioned that the pesticides used to grow cotton are definitely not food grade. Most cotton is also genetically modified as well. Really, anything you put onto your skin will absorb into your body, so using food grade methods should be a must. Sadly, this is not the case with most of the clothing sold in our country. If your clothes contain dyes and nerve damaging chemicals, you are putting yourself and your children at risk for serous health issues.


save children

Now what can you do?


Since you can’t go anywhere without clothes, finding natural brands will be important to maintain your health. Going all organic or natural is not completely reasonable for most people. The time it takes to research trustworthy brands, the money and availability all play a factor.


For sure have some clothes that are organic or natural. Even if you and your family only wear them around your house and when you sleep, it will help reduce the toxic load of your body. It is hard to transform your whole closet to safe materials, so do the best you can.


Here are some guidelines you should follow when buying clothes for your child.


  • Always buy organic or natural materials when possible.
  • Choose natural materials such as cotton before synthetic materials.
  • Always wash cotton and all clothes several times before wearing them.- (I personally wash 20x before wearing them)
  • Stay away from store bought pajamas. They contain some of the highest levels of toxins. You are better off buying organic pj’s or use an old cotton sleep shirt for your kids.
  • Stay away from polyester, because the flame-retardants are actually built into the clothes.
  • Natural fire retardant clothing include, snug untreated cotton (snug reduces flammability) and natural wool.
  • If you are going to make your own clothes, do so out of organic fabric only. When you sew clothes, you are directly releasing the formaldehyde into your face!
  • Make sure to wash your clothes in a non-toxic detergent as well! Air dry only if you live in a unpolluted area.


Toxins are everywhere!


Do the best you can with lifestyle choices as well. Watch out for toys, stuffed animals, mattresses, pillows, car seats, highchairs, baby carriers, and even diapers. Sometimes you can find lists that show the toxic load on certain brands. It is safer to stick with the brands that claim to have fewer toxins. Though, you cannot be completely safe unless you buy all organic or natural materials.


For a rule of thumb, whatever your baby or child spends most of their time in, whether it be a car set, nursing pillow, mattress, baby swing, bouncy chair, carpet, etc. make sure that it is organic or natural. Expose time does play a big role in the severity of the effect as well.


In a recent study, baby and toddlers have three times the amount of toxins than their moms do. This mostly has to do with the materials that these baby’s are rolling around in and sticking in their mouths.




Do the best you can


Remember that emotions can be toxic too. Not only can negative thoughts and worries affect your own body, but it can affect your growing baby as well as people around you. The best things you can do are, become aware of the toxins in your life and reduce your exposure to them. Even if that means just changing out your pajamas, you have helped reduce your body’s toxic load. Be thankful for the things that you have done already to protect your family.


“Let us cease poising ourselves and let this be the end of the poisoning of our children-to-be”. ~Ramiel Nagel


This is one of my favorite books because it just gives so much information and is WAPF (Weston A. Price foundation) oriented.









~Stay Gutsy, Caroline



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Jump-out the toxins (Rebounding for lymph drainage).

Is it possible to jump and release toxins?

Yes it is, but its probably not exactly how you are picturing it. The toxins dont just spurt out of your body- you are actually facilitating your detox process. The method to doing this is called rebounding- which is jumping.




My stubborn lymph system

I suffer from a sluggish lymph system and I try and try to get it flowing. I pretty much do all the suggestions below (which takes up a lot of time) and still I get symptoms daily. If you are like me, then it is going to be a process to get your lymph system working properly again, and it could be tied to some other condition- like my hashimtos. I also am slowly introducing a lymph homeopathic form my chiropractor.

Do you have a sluggish lymph system?


The answer is YES if you suffer from any of these symptoms.

Chronic illness

Autoimmune disorder

Thyroid imbalances (hypothyroidism)

Weak immune system (prone to infections and illness)

Sinus congestion/infections


Consistant fatigue

Swollen lymph nodes

Poor circulation





Swollen face and/or limbs

“puffy eyes” in the morning.

Fluid retention (enema)

Swollen tonsils

Pressure in head, “full feeling”



The lymph organs

The lymph organs

What is the lymph system?

The first thing you should know about the lymph system is that is moves very slowly. It has no pump, like your heart pumps your blood. Its up to you to “pump” your lymph fluid. Trust me, you will want to move by the end of this post!

Every wonder why you wake up with puffy eyes? That is because while you are sleeping the lymph fluid does not get to move as much, so the lymph fluid builds up. The fluid retention will be worse if your lymph system is under functioning because of a illness or disease (liver problems, hypothyroidism, edema, sinus problems..).

You have lymph vessels all over your body. Take a look at this chart to see what I am talking about. These vessels open and close. The lymph fluid moves away form gravity. When you jump these vessels open and close several times, allowing the fluid to move back and forth.

The lymph system removes excess fluid from the tissues and in between the cells. It also absorbs protein and gives it to the blood. Pathogens, toxins, and cancer cells are all removed my the lymph system.

This system absorbs fat soluble vitamins from your digested food. If you are interested in the lymph anatomy (like me) then take a look at these pictures of the face, head, and neck lymph system. Here is the whole body chart.

I bet you didn’t know..

You have main lymph valves in your arms and legs.

You have over 300 lymph nodes in your neck and head area.

The lymph nodes are designed to drain toxins before they reach your brain- so even more of a reason for these nodes to work better!

Your liver is packed with lymph vessels too which are activated when you rebound.

Lymph fluid cleanses and transports.

Lymph organs include bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, and thymus.

There is more lymph in your body then blood. You are the “pump” for your lymph system, no organ will do it for you! Move!

Most people with chronic illness have problems with their lymph system.

The body is separated into 2 parts -right lymph ad left lymph.

The left lymph covers most of your body. It is a very uneven proportion, look at a picture here. (notice the bluish color on the man’s right side and the neutral color on his left side.)


lymph pic


What is rebounding?

It is simply jumping. A trampoline allows your knees and body to bounce back without stress. If I just jump around, my knees get sore. I would suggest a trampoline- I got mine  here (the reviews say it breaks fast, but I have had mine fore over a year without problems). It also makes you more inclined to jump!


PicMonkey Collag3e

Unleash your toxins!

The lymph system needs help. It is sluggish. Bouncing forces the fluid to start moving. The fluid moves out toxins and debris and gets your detox organs to kick into gear.

You may feel a flush or rush of energy when you start to rebound. Your energy and lymph fluid are getting stirred up and flowing (this is good).

If you start to feel fatigued or any other detox symptoms, cut down on the time or stop. Rebounding is a powerful detox so play it safe and start slow. Allow your body to be the conductor- more is not always better.

Once the toxins are released your body has to get rid of them. Assist your body by taking a sauna or clay bath (instructions here). Just like any detox, you might feel worse before you feel better.


How to jump?

Its simple-jump. Up and down. Lift off your toes. Nothing too strenuous. Watch this video to get a feel for exactly what to do. Use a trampoline. I bought a mini one from amazon (actually a kids one) that cost like $40. Mine has not broken and I have been jumping on it daily for 1 year. You will want to get one that is right for your body (weight) and durable.



How I jump

I grabbed my sister to have her demonstrate rebounding for you. It was a good study break for her to get the blood moving to her brain :). Rebounding is pretty simple. This is how I usually do my jumping. I alternate between the little toe jump, the regular jump and the tuck jump. I like to mix it up so its fun. I also like to move my arms. Im not very coordinated so I just let them fly around :).



Rebounding has a direct connection to increase lymph flow in your body’s organs.

Happy organs/body.

Digestion: Expect your insides to feel jiggly (hey you are jumping). Rebounding stimulates your digestion, allowing the food to well…evacuate faster! My sister says it feels like a “body reset” every time you jump.

Intestines: There is a special name for the lymph in the intestines- chyle. Its role is to hold the absorb the fat from your food.

Muscles: Rebounding is in fact engaging tons of muscles, even though it seems so easy and fun…wait till you jump for 10 min. After a few weeks you will notice your muscles might have more definition or are just stronger and more flexible. You are using muscle groups that would not normally be used.

Liver and detox organs: As you jump, the lymph fluid gets circulating around your liver. More blood and lymph fluid = more oxygen & more nutrients. As the blood gets shunted to your liver and detox organs, they can preform their task more efficiently (which is detoxing!) Allowing your liver to function better will put less stress on your lymph organs like the spleen.

Lungs/Brain: I always feel like I can breath better after a rebounding session. The increase in oxygen and allowing your lungs to fully expand gives your brain the oxygen it has been asking for. So much of our life we don’t breath fully and are really starving our brains as well. If you need a “work or study break” just jump. I sometimes stop my siblings when they are studying really hard and have them jump to get their brain working better!

Mood: I cant say exactly what increases someones mood, but when you jump, it sure works. I mean, how could it not after reading all these positive benefits for the body. If your body is happy your mood is happy. I challenge you to rebound without cracking a smile…its hard!

Metabolism/circulation: People seem to love this word, right? Rebounding does help to reboot your metabolism because all your other organ systems are being recharged. If your body is working, you metabolism will follow. If you have cold fingers and toes (like I do) rebounding will become your best friend. I wake up in the morning eager to jump to get some warmth in me.

Immune system: Your lymph system is directly connected to your immune system. It helps remove destroyed cells, debris, toxins, and cancer cells. Your thymus (a lymph gland) plays a key role in your immune system and fighting infections as well.


liver lymph


Liver lymph connection:

The key to a healthy lymph system and drainage is keeping the liver in tip-top shape. (I know I have some work to do with my liver- dandelion greens here I come!)

There is a big connection between a healthy liver and a properly functioning lymph system. That is because 25-50% of lymph that flows through the thoracic duct is produced by the liver. The thoracic duct is the main duct (from you neck all the way down your abdomen) in your body for the lymph system. It transports most of the lymph to the bloodstream.

The lymph in the thoracic duct carries nutrients from the intestines into the blood stream and draws lymph from both halves of the body. If that much lymph comes from your liver and flows into the main “vessel” of the lymph system then it makes sense why a healthy liver=healthy lymph.

There are countless ways to get your liver functioning properly. I prefer to focus on gentle ways that wont stress the body too much in the process. Liver detoxing with dandelion greens, milk thistle, burdock, healthy fats, eating grass fed liver, caster oil pack, acupuncture…There are countless ways to clean up your liver and give it that extra boost so it can do what it does best -detox and produce lymph! Glutathione is important to help detox your liver as well.

Good news is that your liver has the ability to regenerate. The liver is comprised of certain types of cells that actually rebuild and replicate to form a healthy liver- even after injury to the liver. This “regeneration” mechanism has been studied and witnessed since ancient times. A liver can grow and adapt in size and mass. As little as 25% of a liver can regenerate back into a whole liver.

There have been studies done that show liver regeneration actually can be compromised by chemicals (we have plenty of those in our world). Despite this, there is hope with your liver, but that doesn’t mean you can be “mean” to it and drink and eat all the bad food you want.

When you support your liver with herbs and exercise, detox is natural. Cleansing will come before rejuvenation and it can take a few moths to many years (depending on the condition you liver is in now). If you care for your liver, all your other systems and organs (gallbladder, lymph, colon, etc.) will benefit and create a healthier body overall.



Massage facilitates lymph flow


How else to get lymph system moving

Dry skin brushing. I do this every day, and I actually look forward to it. There are special techniques so read about it here. Sometimes I even brush my skin with my shower brush, but dry brushing is more effective then wet. I use this brush.

Massage/Face massage. My mom massages my neck and shoulders when they are tight or if my ear won’t drain. It gives immediate relief too. I like this link for face massage instructions. Trust me these techniques work- I stroke my face and neck every morning like this video explains and I see a difference in my face. Here is a good book to learn more.

Any exercise. Rebounding is just the most effective for lymph. Exercise is hands down the most effective lymph system “pumper or drainer”. You cannot live without it! I find swimming or yoga are 2nd best to rebounding for lymph movement.

Chiropractic care. If you get the right alignment, the fluid can drain properly. I always get immediate results with this.

Oil pulling. Swishing a spoonful of oil (coconut, olive, sesame) in your moth for 20 min each day will aid in lymph flow in your sinuses. Nothing feels better to me then clear sinus. I find that it also unplugs the mucus in my ears as well as reduces the swelling the lymph nodes under my chin. I use coconut oil.


Acupuncture. The lymph organs (spleen, thymus, and lymph nodes) all have special meridians which can be stimulated. I get my lymph points needled and I find relief. Acupressure also is helpful too.

Drink water. Clean water of course. Without water the lymph system cannot flow properly. Not too much though.. don’t over do it (you can be over hydrated, trust me, I was). I use a berkey with ceramic filters.

Inversions: Headstands, downward dog, “legs crawl up the wall” are all simple positions the let your head hang. Inverting your body uses gravity to help your lymph system drain. Go do a handstand..or work on it anyways.

Deep breathing. Seriously just do it. Right now. Fill those lungs and make sure your shoulders don’t move (your belly should). My sisters in choir taught me how to breath. First start by laying of your back. Breath. Do you see you stomach rise. Now try it sitting. Its harder isn’t it? Just practice. This link will help you.

Poop/enema: Yes getting your colon moving is a good idea. Remember its not all about fiber but the good bacteria that helps you eliminate too. A coffee enema or colon cleansing can give your liver a nice detox (don’t be squeamish or scared- your body may need it), which is going to help the lymph system in return.  I wrote a whole post to help you here. I bought this nontoxic enema bucket. When your colon is cleaned up, this puts less stress on your other organ, especially your detox (liver, kidney, lung) and lymph (spleen) organs.

Loose clothing: Constrictive clothing (especially in the lymph node areas) can block lymph flow. That includes underwire bras- so just wear them only when you have to. Here is a good bra without wires and is cotton.

Sauna: The heat gets your blood and lymph fluid flowing (hence the sweat). It is healthy to sweat because it releases toxins in each sweat droplet. (I used to not sweat and I knew my detox and lymph system were impaired. But after a few months on detox baths and sauna’s I am now sweat. I bought this sauna. I also use a near infra red light with this holder.

Castor oil packs: Applying a castor oil pack/with heat on your liver draws more blood to flow around your liver and helps it function better. Remeber a healthy liver = more lymph flow! You need flannel and the castor oil.

Food. Proper nutrition is key too. Your body relies on nutrients to keep the body healthy in all aspects. Take out foods you are sensitive or allergic to, because they can but a big toxic burden on your whole body and mind. For me, food and environmental allergies cause face puffiness and fluid retention in my body.

Magnesium oil: Proper magnesium (do you use magnesium oil?) and calcium balance help with muscle action by “squeezing” the lymph system along its way. I use this oil spray and these magnesium chloride salts. You can also use epson salts (magnesium sulfate) too.

detox bath Herbs/essential oils. I just ordered some essential oils that are suppose to be good for lymph drainage. Cypress, orange, grapefruit, rosemary, ginger, peppermint, lemon. I take a few drops internally or apply them onto my lymph glands under my neck or arms. Homeopathics made from a mixture of herbs can be very effective too.

Clay baths. Detox-Clay baths not only deeply cleanse the body’s largest organ (the skin), but they stimulates the lymphatic fluid. See step by step pictures on how to take a clay bath here. I use this clay and love it!



The lymphatic system

The lymphatic system

What to expect?

Expect your body to feel more “balanced”. All you organs are being worked, its like an organ workout! Toxins will be released, so make sure to drink some water afterwards. A clay bath can help too- to soak up all the toxins. Wear comfortable clothes. Feel prepared to think and feel better. Have fun!







http://www.lymphnotes.com/article.php/id/151/ http://www.soulhealer.com/anatomy-imm.htm http://www.starbounding.com/35_lymphatics.htm http://www.akealife.com/helping-your-lymphatic-system-to-help-you/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18484610 http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/T/thoracic_duct.html


Photo credits:



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